Page 23 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 23

Intei'national   was  tlie  centre  son'iebody   witli   a  sewing  International     and    GSK
              become   a+i  additioi'ial   task  for
                                      piece  of  GSK's   local   con'iinu-  inacliine    could   Switzerland  lielped   us  to  com-
              tlie  dinic   since  inany   of  tlie                       ea+'n  some
                                      nity   partnership   prog+'amine.  money   mending    clotlies    or  l'ireliend   tlie   pliglit  of luunans

              adriltliaticnts   liave HIV infec-
                                      Dr  Eric  Bandle,   Director   of              affected   by  tliis   tei'i'ible   disea-
              ted    sons    and    darigliters.              n'iaking   new   ones.  Tlie   staff  of
                                      Co+i'ununication   said:   "As  a              se and  sl'iowed   ris,  tliat  even

              Unforttmately    tlie  treatinent               GSK   and  of  Galenica,   a  com-
                                      principle    sricli   programines
              of  cl'iildren   witli   AIDS    and           pany   wlio   recently   also joined  small   efforts   cadi  inake   a   diffe-
                                      ru+i  for  tlirce  or  inore  years  in  tlie  srippoit   of   Dr.  Lmhy's
              HIV-in['ections    is  complicated                                     l'ellCe.
                                      and  provide   fiii'ids   and  litiman
              becarisc   drugs   are  typically               cli+iic   were   entliusiastic    to
                                      resorirces   to   sripport   the  pro-  lielp   witli   tliis   suggestion.  Yori,   too,  cadi   lielp   the  worlc  of
              only    available    i+i   adult
                                      ject.  We  prefer   to  concentt'ate  Over   a  few   weeks   they   collec-  Dr.  Ruedi   Liitliy.   You'   conh'i-
              strengtli.   Dr.  Lmliy   invited   Dr.
                                      orir  effoits   to   one  wotthwhile  ted  bilces  and  sewing   machi-  bution   will   liave   an  imtnedia-
              Cliristoph   Rudin,   a   specialist
                                      pro5ect   ratlier   tlian   paying  nes  and   iii   addition   clothes  te  ii'iipact.   Not   only  does  it
              in  liediah'ic   infectiology   at  tlie
              University     of    Baste,  Slnall  alllOlllljS   fO  mall7   Cllal'l-  and  toys.  Last  Arigiist   a   stan-  express  yoru-  concei'n  for  the
                                      ties  eacli  year.  In  tliis   way,  our      depi'ived   btit  also  sliows   your
              Switzerland   to   his  clinic.   Dr.           dard  20ft   container   left   GSK,
                                      support   creates    a   lasting  Switzerland   uiitli   20  bicycles,  willingness    to reach   out  to

              Rudin   corild   advise  tlie  team
                                      ii'npact  wliidi    is   understood
              in  Harare   aborit   tlie  care  of  tl'ie     10    sewing   macliines,    95  tliosc   in  need  of   our  lielp.  Dr
              paediatric     patients.    Now  by  orir  employees   and  which  boxes   of  clotlies   ai'id  30  boxes  Ruedi   LLitliy   estiinates   that  he
                                      is  highly   n'iotivating   to    all
              al)Oll[  a  qua+'fer  Of  all  pattents         of  toys.   Since   tlien   it  bas  safe-  will   be  able  to   proyide   care
                                      involved."              ly  arrived            for   eacli  adrift   patient   at  a  cost
              seen  at  tlie  clinic   are  between                   iii   Harare   aiqd   is
                                                              currently   rindergoing   customs  of  CHF   600  per  year.   The
              3  montlis   and  18  years  of  age.
                                      Tliris,   GSI(    lielped    in    the  cleara+ice.  It  sliorild   be   soon  con'iplexity   in  paediah'ic   care
              For  eacli   of  tlie  young  patients
                                      prodriction   and  distribution   of  delivered   to   tlie  clinic   to  be  is  reflected   iii   a  liigher   avera-
              capsriles  liaye  to  be  iiidi'vi-
                                      brocluires   about  Dr.  Liithy's
              drially   prepared   witli   tlie               distiibuted   to  tliose  in   need.  ge   yearly   cost  of  CHF  1500

                                      work   at tlie   clinic,    created            per  cltild.
              appropriate   amount   of   dnigs.              Ii'i  tliis  way  tlie  einployees   of
                                      visual   aids   for   coiwentions
              Tliis   task  is  peifoi'ined   at   the        GSK   in   Switzerland    could
                                      and  )iad  employees  pi'csentmg  reacl'i  orit  to  lielp   too.  For   inore   infonnation    on
              cliiffc's   pliai'macy.

                                      tl'ie project   at  doctor's   n"iee-          Swiss   Aids   Care  Inten'iational
                                      tings   ai'id  otlier   venries.   A  few
              Tlie   pliai'ii'iaceritical    company,         GSI(   believes   tliat  tlie  fight  and   on  Dr  Lmliy's   dinic   in
                                      inontl'is   ago  Dr   Liitliy   approa-
              GlaxoSinitliI(line     (GSK),                   against  Aids  in   tlie  poorest  Harare,   Ziii'ibabwe    l'ilcase,
                                      clied  GSK   witli   tlie  idea  of            visit   tlie  website   www.swis-
              Switzerlai'id    supported   the                cormtries   of  this   world   can
                                      liow   to  lielp   liis   patients   crea-  only   be  won  tl'irougli   mobili-
              work   of   Rriedi   Lntliy's   in   the                               saidscare.Cll   .

                                      te soi'i'ie   inco+ne  for  tlieinsel-  zation   of  all   resources   and
              first   tliree   years   and   inost
                                      ves.    In   a  country    wliere
              i+nl:ioitantly   it   liclped   to  )iro-       tl'u'origli   a  new  sliirit   of'  patt-
                                      transportatioi'i     is   difficult
              inote   his  project.   Tlie   collabo-         +iersliip.  Eric  Bandle   conclu-
                                      soinebody    wiitli   a  bicycle
              ratioi-i  between   tlie  co+npany              ded:   "Tlie   collaboration   bet-
                                      corild    becoine    a   courier,
              and    Swiss    Aids    Care                    wceii    SiwiSS   Aids    Care
                                                                                                   2  2007   Diva  21
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