Page 24 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 24
Interview with His Excellency
Mr Itzhak Levanon,
Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations Office
and Specialized Institutions in Geneva
He is a busy man, the his work)-if lie wants to
Ambassador of Israel to promote an idea or a projet,
the United Nations in lie can do so. In Geneva, it's
Geneva. Not only is he very demanding though.
the permanent represen-
tative to the UN, WTO You have nimerous mee-
and all the international tings; you have numerous
organizations, but he intemational organizations. I
also has to divide his cover all tl'ie organizations
time with an active and here in Geneva. For instan-
vibrant Jewish com- ce, in the morning I can be at
munity that also likes to WHO dealing with health
have "their share of Mr issues and then on to WTO
Ambassador". Needless
tallcing about trade, and
to say, he is extremely
from there go to the
hard working, but
Conference on Disarma-
despite all this he has
tiiig career path judged by ment to deliver a speech 011
kept his sense of
the standards of the Israeli nuclear proliferation, and in
humour and friendly atti-
Foreigii Service. the evening discussing
human rights. So Geneva is
Of course, between these particular in this sense.
Mr Ambassador is not a
different iniSSions I spent However, for an ambassador
newcomer to diplomacy.
For more than twenty some tiine working back iii only the sky is tlie liinit, as
years he has been Israel having different jobs lie has to take the initiative.
posted to almost every and missions within the
continent. And he has Minishy of Foreign Affairs. Q: You do not have an easy
made the effort to learn If I look back, I am familiar job defending the Israeli
the language of every witli four out of the five position in international
country where he is contiiients, and I also speak forums.
posted - so Mr Ambas- the languages of these conti-
sador is not only a fine nents-English, French, Everybody knows the huth.
diplomat but also an Spanish, Arabic and People blame Israel for the
excellent linguist with Hebrew. problems we liave iii the
five languages to his Middle East, and yet every-
credit. Q: Reviewing your long body knows the tuth aborit
and impressive diplomatic Darfur. Eveiybody knows
Q: Mr Ambassador, what
career, which posting do that when it comes to Israel,
is your back ground? it's a political problem, wlffle
you judge as being the
most challenging? Here in in Darfiu' nobody does any-
I started my diplomatic thing. They point the finger
Geneva or elsewhere?
career in tlie United Nations at Israel, but the majority of
in New York. Affer that, I
It is very difficult to measu- tlie States present liere kiiow
spent some years ii'i South the reality. aphis is the reason
re tl'iis, because in my perso-
Ainerica-Venezuela and
nal opinion the function of why Israel enjoys a high sta-
Colombia; then Pai'is where orga-
an ambassador depends 100 tus in the intemational
I spent five years; tlien mzattons.
% upon liimself. Let me
Canada five years; then US -
explaiii myself It's tnie that
- Boston-where I stayed Eveiybody laiows about the
he receives insh'uctions, but
five years; and now it's for
an Ainbassador is not liini- liigli level of respect
Geneva. So, it's an interes-
ted in is work (the scope of human rights in Israel.
22 2 2007 Diva