Page 38 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 38


          such as the prohibition of the use of  lans commemorated the  300th   anni-  by the Basque Country and Navarra).
          the Catalan language, the public de-  versary of the War of Succession in  But the People's Party Spanish govern-
          nial of the Catalan identity and the  2014, the prospect of the creation of a  ment simply ignored the request and
          punishment for cultural expression.  new Catalan State in Europe was put  scorned the Catalan institutions. In
          Language is central to understanding  on the table more clearly than ever.   any case, one thing is clear: the fiscal
          Catalonia's identity. Having survived                                imbalance is a key argument support-
          three centuries of repression from  The Fiscal Imbalance             ing secession. An independent Cata-
          Spain, Catalan is more widely spo-  The long history of Spanish central-  lonia would not have to pay taxes to
          ken than a number of other official  ism has resulted in Catalans tradi-  Madrid that is invested elsewhere. In-
          EU languages, yet it does not enjoy  tionally valuing private initiative  stead it could invest them to the bene-
          recognition by EU institutions, as all  rather than the state in order to de-  fit of Catalans. Moreover, if Catalonia
          Spanish governments have consist-  velop. Catalonia has a strong net of  were an independent state within the
          ently ignored Catalonia's demand to  small and medium size businesses  European Union, roughly half of its
          press for this.                    and many micro-entrepreneurs. With  territory would be designated as pref-
                                             roughly 17 percent of Spain's popula-  erential area for EU structural funds.
          In 2005, after 35 years of (so-called)  tion, it provides about 20 per cent of  In spite of its intra-territorial dispar-
          "transition" after Franco's death,  its GDP and almost one-half of the to-  ity, Catalonia is considered as a single
          Catalonia set about updating its  tal industrial production and exports.  unitary entity by the European Union
          Statute of Autonomy to consolidate  It also contributes about 24 per cent  and thus, given its overall level of in-
          its self-government and readjust the  of Spain's total taxes, but public in-  come is not eligible for these funds.
          relationship between its national re-  vestment in Catalonia is scarce when  Thus, significant parts of Catalonia
          ality and the Spanish state. The new  related to either population or GDP  that require public investment do not
          Statute was approved in both the Cat-  contribution or represents only about  receive public aid neither from Ma-
          alan and the Spanish Parliaments, as  10 per cent of the total. A number of  drid nor from Brussels.
          well as in the Spanish Senate. It was  studies in recent years have estimated
          then passed by a proportion of three  the Catalan fiscal balance with Spain  Can an independent Cata-
          to one in the subsequent referendum  showing not only a deficit (i.e. pays  lan State be viable?
          in Catalonia. Once it had been signed  more than it receives back) but one of  Clearly, the argument that Catalonia
          by the Spanish King, it came into law  the highest of any region in the Eu-  is too small to be an economically
          in the summer of 2006. But the ul-  ropean Union. These studies estimate  sustainable independent state is in-
          traconservative People's Party, in the  the Catalan fiscal imbalance with  correct. Another central theme in
          opposition at that time, as well as the  Spain to be around 10 per cent of the  anti-secessionist economic discourse
          Spanish Ombudsman (appointed by  Catalan GDP. This is a highly abnor-  is based on the fact that Spain is the
          the Socialist government) immedi-  mal situation when comparing Cata-  main market of Catalonia. Thus, se-
          ately contested it in the Constitu-  lonia to similar regions in other EU  ceding from Spain would result in an
          tional Court. After a long process of  countries, where it is nowhere higher  economic catastrophe because Cata-
          deliberation the Court published its  than 4 per cent. The fiscal imbal-  lonia would lose its main market.
          sentence in 2010, abolishing key ar-  ance has been sustainable in the past  However, there is no reason to expect
          ticles of the text, particularly those  because of Spain's relatively closed  Spanish trade embargoes or a boycott
          dealing with recognition of the Cata-  economy. However it is not sustain-  of Catalan products, particularly in
          lan nation and the status of the Cata-  able in the context of globalization.  the EU context. Spanish citizens buy
          lan language in Catalonia. For some  Catalonia will never be globally com-  Catalan produces due to their quality
          constitutional law experts this was  petitive if it has to carry such a heavy  and price and not for some abstract
          tantamount to a "legal coup d'etat"  fiscal burden. Catalan companies pay  solidarity with Catalans. In a world
          perpetrated by the Constitutional  high taxes, only to receive few public  of increasingly free trade and global
          Court that inevitably led to a conflict  services and low infrastructure invest-  markets, this rationale is no longer
          between Catalan democratic legiti-  ment. Not only does it hampers eco-  valid. With its own state, Catalonia
          macy and Spanish party-controlled  nomic growth and the modernization  would benefit from improved ad-
          legality and demonstrated once again  of the Catalan economy, but also im-  ministrative efficiency and still have
          the difficulties Spain has in accept-  poverishes Catalan citizens. In 2010
          ing and dealing intelligently with  the Catalan Parliament unanimously
                                                                                       For a detailed analysis of the
          its national, cultural and linguistic  approved a resolution requesting the   5
          diversity - a situation that has only  Catalan government to negotiate a   effects of the fiscal imbalance, see
          increased the support of the Catalan  fairer fiscal treatment for Catalonia   the CCN Study "L'impacte de l'espoli
          people for independence. As Cata-  (similar to the one presently enjoyed   fiscal sobre el territori", available on
                                                                               www.ccncat. cat.

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