Page 40 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 40
present address in Pregny. It only did agreement with the International fer introductory golf activities at the
so because of an agreement between School) and other teaching programs CIT and to organize a practice area
the UN and the Etat de Geneve, un- throughout the summer and into the for seasoned golfers. On June 26th,
der the auspices of the Swiss Con- coming school year. we celebrated the 79th anniversary
federation, which guaranteed that "a of the Club and on 18 September we
durable solutiorr' had been found to We also offer other skills develop- will host an Open Day for Geneva-
preserve the Club. Thus, it was as a ment activities, such as lectures and based diplomats and their families
recognition of this "special relation- workshops, group lessons for players that will include tennis and golf ac-
ship" with international Geneva that of all ages and organize formal and tivities, as well as a special presenta-
the Geneva authorities voted to invest informal tennis competitions. Given tion about "How to Use the Art and
3 million francs of public funds and the work schedules of staff at interna- Science of Tennis in International
the UN put a plot of land in Pregny tional organizations, other than the Negotiations".
at the disposal of the Club. This made regular membership conditions, we
possible the transfer of the club to its have created a special "Night Owl" Last but not least, the CIT has its "Tie
present premises. fee allowing unrestricted play from Break" restaurant with a magnificent
6pm onwards on week-days for CHF terrace facing the courts and a menu
Finally, the Club is also "special" be- 200 throughout the whole summer with Mexican, Portuguese and other
cause for almost 80 years, since the season. A "blind date round-robin international dishes. So just stop by
early years of international Geneva doubles tournament" takes place the Club and check it out for your-
it has promoted not only the values every Thursday evening and is open self...and do not forget your tennis
of internationalism, but also a per- to members and non-members. shoes. As we say in French...Soyez
fect symbiosis, through the promo- Moreover, an agreement has been les bienvenus!!!
tion of sport and cultural values and reached with the UN Golf Club to of- KATYA PINCHEVSKAYA
mutual respect, between the Geneva
and Swiss community and the inter-
national civil servants and the diplo-
mats based in Geneva.
What can the CIT offer to
the international commu-
nity and how can one be-
come a member?
Under the new committee that
took over the management of the ;:llaiilj(pf'tlCt':igi)llj'a
Club in April this year, the Club )2ti'2Ei/rSalf'l':
is developing into a unique mul-
Family Office, Real Estate,
ti-sports arena. On the one hand,
Business Development, Events Management, Personal Shopper,
it has 6 fantastic clay courts, two
Accompaniment Medical
of them permanently covered.
In June, earlier this year, we signed an Camberwellb Consulting is a key-player for enterprises and
agreement with Cesar Bonequi to en- private dients who wish to experience high quality services
sure the tennis teaching activities and which go beyond excellence.
the development of the tennis school.
CesarwillworkwithAlexis Duborgel
on the development of junior players,
u>aii.ucamberuielTo.aom /info@camberuietib Cam
children clinics (including a special