Page 39 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 39


         access to foreign markets in which to
         sell its products.

         Critics of secession also argue that
         being part of Spain makes economic
         sense because it allows Catalonia to
         share the costs of public goods of the
         military, diplomatic representations,
         etc. The fact is that these kinds of
         "services" have traditionally been used
         (and are presently still being used) by
         the central Spanish government to the
         detriment of Catalan aspirations for
         self-rule, rather than to support Cata-
         lonia in any way. And the huge fiscal
         imbalance shows that today Catalans
         are paying for these services twice
         what they would pay for similar serv-
         ices actually benefitting them in their  enough to solve global problems like  international markets in a free-trade
         own separate state.                international terrorism, international  world. Finally, full independence
                                            capital movements, and regulation of  will mean a direct voice for Catalans
         In conclusion, there is no objective  transnational corporations or global  in the international forums that so
         reason to believe that an independ-  warming. On the other hand they are  much influence their lives. However,
         ent Catalan state would not be vi-  still too large to solve local problems  no referendum on the question of
         able from an economic perspective.  (or even to care about them).     independence of Catalonia will be a
         In the end, the success of a Catalan                                  fully rational exercise. Independence
         state will depend on its own govern-  Unlike many nations in Europe that  from Spain is not simply a matter of
         ment. Independence will be good for  have flourished due to the creation  economics or administrative ration-
         Catalans only if the Catalan state will  of a nation-state, Catalonia exists de-  ality. Identity issues, in Catalonia and
         be able to pursue sound macroeco-  spite a unitary and centralistic Span-  elsewhere, are highly complex. Some
         nomic policies that foster growth and  ish state that has repeatedly tried to  Catalans might want to be part of
         economic welfare. 'While it is uncer-  eliminate it as a separate cultural  Spain even with an unfair fiscal treat-
         tain how well a Catalan government  entity. Catalan independence will  ment. Others might want independ-
         could manage its economy, Catalans  ensure the continuity of culture and  ence even if the cost is high. However,
         know that the performance of the  language, but also allow Catalans  this does not negate the fact that eco-
         Spanish government over the last  stop paying an unsustainable price  nomically, independence would not
         century has been decidedly poor6.  to be part of a unitary Spanish state.  only be viable, but also significantly
         Moreover, as independence would  Catalans must realize that only with  advantageous. Therefore, when they
         mean getting rid of the aforemen-  a new administrative structure can  have the chance to decide democrati-
         tioned fiscal imbalance with Spain at  Catalonia be competitive in the in-  cally though a referendum on their
         once, a Catalan state would enjoy sig-  ternational markets and guarantee  own political future in 2017, Catalans
         nificant room to manoeuvre. In addi-  better public services, modernization  might clearly want to vote keeping in
         tion, globalization is also compromis-  of its infrastructure, social cohesion  mind their pockets ... while feeling
         ing many of the traditional functions  and economic growth 7. Among all op-  their hearts".
         of mid-size countries such as Spain  tions, it is independence that makes
         making them less desirable to their  more sense economically, particu-
         citizens, in particular to differenti-  larly in the context of globalization
                                                                                      Catalans are frequently the
         ated groups such as the Catalans. On  and the European Union. Secession
                                                                               subject of nasty "jokes" and deroga-
         the one hand, these states are not big  will guarantee that the existing unfair   tory comments from Spanish nation-
                                            fiscal balance will be eliminated. A   als, representing them as "Jews", due
         6 	By way of example, see the  Catalan state will still have access to  to their emphasis on business-like ap-
         CCN study on the completely ineffi-                                   proaches. Maybe this would be really
         cient and unsustainable Spanish high-                                 the right time for Catalans to opt for
         way network system ("Plà de viabilitat  7 	See the CCN study "Invest-  an independent State for legitimate
         de la xara viària espanyola"), avail-  ment opportunities in the new Catalan  "selfish" reasons, including self-preser-
         able on            State' available on   vation.

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