Page 41 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 41

Ferdinand Hodler (14.3.1853 - 19.5.1918) Die Nacht, 1890 Oe/ auJLeinwand; 116x 299 cm Kunstmuseum Bern, Staat Bein

              life until he was  55  years   folding put in place for the   artists have paid back their   great standing in Germany,
              old -in 1908. Valentine   artist, limiting access to the   tormentors, Hodler painted   he was immediately
              Godé-Darel was a        museum and refusing him  allegorical pictures at this   excluded from all German
              porcelain painter and   weapons to use as models.   time that portray himself as   art societies to which he
              entirely different from the   Angst was a snob and was   a warrior overcoming his   had recently been admitted.
              other women in his life. She   appalled that his brainchild   enemy -Angst.   Such is nationalism.
              was 35 years old, indepen-  was to be executed by an                    Recognition came at last. In
              dent and self-confident.   artist of such humble ori-  In 1914 when German   1918 he was made an hon-
              Sadly, in 1912 at the age of   gins. This affair set in  artillery shelled Rheims   orary citizen of Geneva and
              40 she developed cancer, at   motion a national debate  Cathedral Hodler, together   died there on 19 May.
              the same time as becoming   involving museum cura-  with ninety-nine Genevan
              pregnant. Their daughter   tors, the press, artists and  artists and intellectuals,   Sources
              Pauline was born in 1913   critics, and the general pub-  denounced the deliberate   "www
              and brought up by Hodler's   lic. Finally, in 1899 the  destruction of an inter-   z/14 03 Bio Forts Hod/c
              wife Berthe. Valentine   Federal Council overruled   nationally
              Godé-Darel clung on to life   Angst and instructed  cultural monument (the   "www. memo fr/A rticle. asp
              until 1915, being painted   Hodler to begin work. In  shrapnel holes can be seen
              hundreds of times by    the same way that other  to this day). Despite his   HAYWARD BEYWOOD
              Hodler in sickness -and in
                                         THE NIGHT (1890)
              In 1897 the director of the
              brand new National         Hodler was 37 when he made this autobiographical painting on the theme of sleep and
              Museum in Zurich, Henri    the fear of death, but also on the relationship between men and women. All the
                                         Michelangelo-like, shadowless figures appear to be naked and are draped in black
              Angst, had the idea of dec-
                                         sheets. Both the central figure and the man top right are Hodler himself, while the female
              orating the walls of the
                                         figure seen from the back on lower right is his wife at that time-Bertha Stucki (this is the
              armoury. A jury was
                                         only time she appeared in one of his paintings). The figures in the foreground sleep
              appointed (not containing
                                         peacefully; those in the background less so. The contented couple bottom right can be
              Angst) and was unanimous   contrasted with the man and two women top left who seem slightly less at ease (the mid-
              in selecting Hodler to paint   dle figure of this group could be Bertha again). In the middle lies a terrified young man
              The Retreat from Marignan   (Hodler) with the figure of death placed squarely between his legs. Hodler had good rea-
              -a work judged to be out-  son to be preoccupied with dying, having grown up amidst grinding poverty and having
              standing. However, Angst   witnessed the slow death of all his family from tuberculosis. His father died when he was
                                         7, his mother when he was 14, his stepfather when he was 17, and his four brothers and
              was horrified and did
                                         one sister-Hodler was the oldest in the family-all died between his eighth birthday and
              everything in his power to
                                         the time he was 32. Nor is it unusual that Hodler should put himself in the picture. In all,
              stop Hodler carrying out
                                         he painted 100 self-portraits-more than any other painter except Van Gogh himself.
              the task, such as obscuring
              the place foreseen for the
              mural, dismantling the scaf-
                                                                                                   12007 Diva 39

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