Page 42 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 42
Director of the Harley Owners Group (HOG) Chapter of Geneva
It's a legacy! Harley-Davidson Q: So what is so "sexy"
is a major company making about a Harley-Davidson?
beautiful motor-cycles. The
company did not do so well You have to sit on the machi-
until 1983 when they almost ne to be able to understand,
went bankrupt. One of the feel the vibration and hear its
grandsons of the founders, pure mechanical throb. It's a
Willy Davidson, together with lifestyle; there's no plastic - it's
other investors, took over the all pure metal! The legacy that
company and started produc- comes with it; the tradition
tion again. The machines were and the history since the com-
improved, as the older models pany started in 1903.
had a reputation for leaking
I knew little about motor- oil, being difficult to start, etc. In 2003, Harley-Davidson
cycles; even less about Now they are absolutely won- celebrated its 100th anniver-
Harley-Davidsons derful. Even the sound of the sary. More than 250,000
until the day I met Dr Guy engine is patented: nobody is motorbikes gathered in
de Smet, a dedicated allowed to copy the sound Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from
these machines make.
Harley-Davidson all over the world. I was there
who knows everything and it was quite amazing; a
there is to know about During that time the HOG real fiesta! The whole city of
these legendary motor- the Harley Owners Group Milwaukee was full of bikes -
cycles. was also created. Today, there - no cars!
are more than 1 million mem-
The Harley Owners bers worldwide, which makes Why am I so attached to the
Group Chapter in it the largest factory sponsored Harley-Davidson? I simply do
Geneva is not only one motorcycle club in the world. not know. I have been riding
of the most international Every Harley-Davidson dea- bikes since the age of 25. I
Harley-Davidson factory ler has a Chapter, or there is a have had a Yamaha, a Honda,
sponsored clubs in the HOG Chapter linked to an a BMW (all great machines!)
world -- with members official dealer. There is a dea- but since I started riding a
ler in Geneva (Moto Mure) Harley-Davidson four years
from some twenty diffe-
and we are the official local ago, you will never make me
rent nations -- but also
chapter, which started five change. It was always my
one of the most dyna-
years ago. I myself took over dream to have a Harley. So
mic. They organize trips,
as president a year and a half when I tried one out -- that
outings and informal
ago. was it! I sold my BMW and
rides; they participate in
bought a Harley. I cannot
charity events ... The
Each national HOG is sub- explain it, but I could invite
atmosphere is friendly
divided into local chapters. you for a ride.
and courteous -- so if
HOG Switzerland with about
you are a Harley fan or
4,500 members brings toge- People sitting in their cars
interested in motor-
ther all the different local look at me when I'm riding my
cycles, what are you
chapters, such as Geneva, bike and may think that I'm a
waiting for? I'm sure the
Zurich, etc. We are like a big weirdo or a strange guy, but
members of the Harley family. Altogether, we have they do not know the pleasure
Owners Group Chapter more than sixty members in of being out there in the wind,
of Geneva are going to Geneva. Whenever we go to in the sun, riding along...
do everything they can Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Berne
to make you feel wel- or elsewhere, I can always call Q: Harley-Davidson is often
come. the president of the local clubs associated with bad guys?
and say to them: "Hey, I'm
Q: Guy, what is so excep- coming with my guys. Can we There is good and bad in
tional everything. We, for our part,
go and have a meal together?"
machines? The tone is very informal and share the true legacy and we
friendly. invest all our passion and time
40 12007 Diva