Page 23 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 23

nt's report on a new war

          Humanity has succeeded in era-  animals could not dream of rea-  also saw many big snakes taking
          dicating several deadly diseases   ching. We were fortunate   a nap on the trees along the path
          and epidemics and there is no   enough to see a real live show   leading from the reception desk
          reason why it should not be able   performed by hypos who dashed   to our lodge bungalows. Some of
          to stop malaria once and for all.   into the river not only to wash or   them fell from the branches, but
          No reason whatsoever, except   get a drink, but also to rid them-  do not seem to be aggressive,
          lack of money. This war is   selves of the parasites trying to   probably because they were still
          without mercy and it is absolute-  get under their heavy skin. By   half asleep.
          ly indispensable for the World   plunging into the river and by
          Health Organization and what   staying under water for a long   So this is the end of our report
          we call the international commu-  time, most of these unwanted   from the latest war frontline. Oh,
          nity to join together energetical-  guests end up by being drowned.   just one more thing, the new
          ly and escort the threatened   And then, in the second act of   medicines that are being used on
          populations to safety.    this show, the huge hypos, who   this battlefield, produced by
                                    are unique, threw themselves   Novartis, a Swiss pharmaceuti-
          For total victory, only a little bit   into big mud holes in order to   cal firm, are based on the expe-
          more than a billion dollars is   kill off the few remaining intru-  rience of a long battle against
          needed. Twelve times less than   ders who survived the river treat-  malaria. They are a sort of an
          what tourists, who are practical-  ment-animal logic.   improvement, a modern combi-
          ly non-existent at the moment,                     nation of drugs that have pre-
          would have spent in the fabulous   Although we were told that we   viously lost their efficiency as a
          resorts of these countries. Each   would see lions and leopards, we   result of the strengthened defen-
          time we were taken, usually in   were not lucky (or unlucky)   ce power of the human body. In
          jeeps, to a hospital, we were dri-  enough to cross their paths.   other words, the new drug is a
          ven through national parks   However, they will all be present   new weapon. Will its use be suf-
          where we could admire the   when the war is over and a large   ficient for final victory?
          dignity of the elegant giraffes   number of tourists come to
          quietly eating the best leaves on   admire them. No lions, but many     LD
          the top of the trees that smaller   apes, antelope and zebras. We

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