Page 22 - DIVA_7_2004_No.16
P. 22

F South-Africa

                                                                                        A corresponde
        and  Zambia                                                                     here is also plaguing most of the

                                                                                        rest of Africa, many Asian coun-
                                                                                        tries, most of Latin America and
                                                                                        even parts of Europe-then we
                                                                                        shall get the real picture of the
                                                                                        frontline where a battle for future
                                                                                        generations is being waged.

                                                                                        It is also a matter of combating
                                                                                        poverty, the ideal terrain for the
                                                                                        activities of this killer, because it
                                     Some twenty journalists, most of   total destruction of the enemy-a   is here that the consequences of a
                                     them veteran war correspon-  new sort of genocide threatening   lack of preventive measures and
                                     dents, met last month at   our planet.             the difficulties in financing
                                     Johannesburg airport in order to                   expensive treatments for the vic-
                                     join their hosts in a quick visit to   You have guessed it by now. The   tims are most visible. Those who
                                     the new frontline. Nothing like   war we were to see and describe,   have the means may count on
                                     the events in Iraq or Rwanda or,   a dangerous one, is being fought   remaining alive in this part of the
                                     for that matter, the war waged in   against ... malaria! We all know   world, provided they find their
                                     the former Yugoslavia at the end   that over a million men, women   way to a hospital within 24 hours
                                     of the last century. There would   and children die every year, vic-  following the bite of the deadly
                                     be no chance to describe clashes   tims of this terrible disease. But,   mosquito. The poor do not have
                                     between armies. We did not see a   if we add the $12 billion that is   that privilege.
                                     single armoured car or aeroplane,   lost annually in this unknown
                                     with the exception of those spe-  tourist paradise where tourists do   Even if the price of medicines is
                                     cially chartered to fly us first to   not wish to risk their lives, if we   falling, the distances and the limi-
                                     Zululand and then to Zambia,   know that every 20 minutes a   ted time to reach the hospital make
                                     where a fierce war is being   child dies of malaria and if we   it difficult, if not impossible, for
                                     waged with the intention of the   are aware that what is happening   these people to be optimistic.

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