Page 23 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 23

EPAMinrsterVNei(front  row,  fifth  left),  Frederic   Laplanche,   head of the European  Economic  Tmde Office rn  Taipei (front  row,  fifth  right)

              and VrceMinisterof  Foreign Affairs Vanessa   Shih  (frontrow,   fourth   right)   were among   the attendees ata  carbon marketforum  held in

              Taipei in June Coui tesy of  EPA
            environmental    sustainability   values,  choices.    All   stakeholders    must  and   engaging   in   multilateral    cooper-
            conserve     energy,    reduce    carbon  share   the   responsibility    for   carbon  ation.   We   have   done   our   utmost   to
            emissions    and   environmental    pollu-  reduction    and   work   together    on  the  take   practical   steps   that   reflect   the
            tion,   and   create   a  low-risk    environ-  compromises    that   a  long-term    plan  initiatives    and   efforts   of   the   United
            ment   characterized   by  clean  produc-  demands.    The   experiences    of  the  Nations   Framework    Convention    on
            tion,   comfortable    living   standards,  United   Kingdom,    Germany,    and   the  Climate   Change   ({JNFCCC).    Regret-
            and    unspoiled     ecosystems.     For  EU   tell   us  that   those   in   power   must  tably,   our   country    remains   excluded
            instance,   by  applying   the  concept  make   bold   commitments    and   have  from   the   {JNFCCC   even   today,   des-
            of  "urban   mining,"    waste   is  trans-  the   courage   to  follow   through    with  pite   our   desire   to  become   meaning-
            formed    into   a  resource.    Besides  them.   Equally,   there  is  also   a price  to  fully   involved   in  its  meetings   and
            promoting    recycling   and  reuse,   if  be  paid  if  civil   society  is  to   do   its   part  activities.   Our   participation    would
            Taiwan   can  seize  the  opportunity  in   mal6ng   the   world   a  better   place.  ei'iable   us  to  receive   much   needed
            to  develop   a  green   economy,   as  well  As  we  confront    climate   change,   we  support    and   assistance    from   the
            as  integrate    government    policy   and  should   be  clear   that   it  is  not   what  international    community.    It  would
            legislation,    public   and   private   see-  ideals   we  hold   that   matters,   but   ra-  also   enable   us  to  do  our   bit   by   sha-
            tor   involvement,    market   forces,   and  ther   what   we  are   together    willing    to  rtng   Our   experience    ln   enVlrOnmen-
            technological    innovation,    it  can  re-  accomplish.             tal   protection    with   the   international
            duce   its   carbon   emissions,    make   the                        community    and   other   countries    in
            transition    to  a  low-carbon    economy,  For   a  long   time   now,   Taiwan   has  need,   thereby   integrating    Taiwan's
            and   achieve   its  environmental    pro-  quietly    yet   diligently    gone   about  strengths     into    global     climate
            tection   objectives.              trying   to  fulfill   its   role   as  a res-  action.          ffl

                                               ponsible   member   of   the   global   vil-
            After    President    Ma   Ying-jeou  lage   by   signing   bilateral    agreements
            announced    this   year   that
            Taiwan's    Iaingmen    Nu-
            clear   Power   Plant   would
            be  mothballed    after   safety
            inspections,    he  promised
            to  hold   the   Fourth   Natio-
            nal   Energy    Conference.
            This   will   allow   different
            points   of  view   on  a  blue-
            print    for   future   energy
            development     to   be   ex-
            changed   in   a  rational
            manner.    As   we   discuss
            energy   supply   and   de-
            mand,   we  need   to  let   the
            public   clearly  understand
            that    the   real   potential
            for   reducing    emissions
            lies  in  our   future   energy

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