Page 19 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 19
Q: You are a trained economist resting for me to see that the eco- ching for common ground. It really
and you have been very active nomic work I did while working gives you confidence in the value
in bringing women into the at the World Bank is actually very of engaging in a multilateral sys-
business world through your relevant here. One of the projects I tem with the intention of creating
activities and achievements. Is started here which is now an annual a better world. It is my first time
there something similar going publication, Women, Business and in a multilateral post and I was at
on here in Geneva? the Law, looks at the number of first a little reluctant to come. Now
countries that still have gender ine- that I'm here I recognize just what
I am a very proud member of the qualities. Out of the 143 countries value we are able to bring as per-
Lipstick Club, which is the Club of in the survey this year, 123 still manent representatives to our work
Women Ambassadors in Geneva have legislation that is discrimina- in the multilateral system. We can
that started a couple of years ago. tory. This is a very useful input for all contribute to a better outcome
It is a very nice club and, of course, the Universal Periodic Review pro- through our attitude and collabora-
all our male colleagues want to cess. For me, it has been fascinating tion. It is a very rewarding environ-
know what we are talking about. It to see how work carried out in pre- ment to work in and being able to
shows how far women have come vious environments is also proving deal with the heads of agencies, all
when you can have a name like useful here in Geneva. of whom are of a very high quality.
that. It shows that there is no lon- It is a privilege.
ger concern about taking ourselves Q: Since you arrived, what has
too seriously. I think we are roughly given you most personal satis- Q: Diplomats and ambassa-
thirty-five members now, because faction? dors serving in Geneva say that
some new members have come and they acquire a very good expe-
some old ones have gone. Most personal satisfaction has come rience here that serves them
from my relations with other collea- for the rest of their lives. Do
I have written a couple of books gues and conducting our work toge- you share this point of view?
on women's entrepreneurship for ther. Given my background as an
Random House and I have also economist and my involvement in de- In some ways. I think we are so fortu-
written a couple of others for the velopment, in particular around the nate to be here dealing with construc-
World Bank on women and their post-2015 agenda, the development tive and committed colleagues
role as economic
agents. One of the
things that we found
through World Bank
research is that there
is a very high cor-
gender equality and
economic growth. I
think that this has
helped to inform the
policies of agencies
like the World Bank
and UNDP, who
are really trying to
promote long-term
sustainable develop-
ment. The studies
that we carried out
in the World Bank looked at eco- agenda and the peace-building that we are also living in a privile-
nomic growth in relation to gender agenda, my experiences, especially ged little bubble. Socially, it is a
equality. Of course, the work done with my African colleagues, have very steep learning curve because
here through the High Commissio- been extremely rewarding. you have almost every country
ner for Human Rights and the Uni- represented here and it's a univer-
versal Periodic Reviews are looking The quality and calibre of the col- sal agenda. You have to learn and
at legislative frameworks to make leagues here in Geneva is really to respect other nation's points of
sure that they are learning from outstanding; the way in which we view. But I think that people come
one another and employing good work together -- it is a very colle- to the table with the right attitude
practices. They are also improving gial approach. We all have different and approach, so this is a propi-
the legislative environment with a approaches based on our govern- tious environment when trying to
view to creating better outcomes ment's perspectives and we try to solve tough problems.
for their citizens. It has been inte- respect these positions, while sear-
International 17