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the National Action Plan to imple-  of the mandates also report to the   various international and regio-
          ment the UPR recommendations for   General Assembly.                  nal organizations. The Congress
          the period 2015-2020.                                                 of Leaders of World and Traditio-
                                             As of today, eight Special Rappor-  nal Religions, which Kazakhstan
          As a full member of the UN Human   teurs have visited Kazakhstan. Fol-  convenes every three years, contri-
          Rights Council for  2013-2015,     lowing the visits of these Special   butes to global and regional secu-
          Kazakhstan participates actively in   Rapporteurs, Kazakhstan developed   rity, by garnering the spiritual and
          all of its activities. During 2014 the   and implemented action plans to fol-  moral potential of world religions to
          Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan    low up on their recommendations.   regulate international conflicts, and
          to the United Nations Organization   Two more Special Rapporteurs     to prevent confrontation between
          in Geneva has been responsible for   are expected to visit Kazakhstan in   confessions and cultures. Upon the
          coordinating the work of the Asia-  2015: one on the right to freedom of   initiative of Kazakhstan, the United
          Pacific Group on the Council. The   peaceful assembly and association;   Nations General Assembly proclai-
          Permanent Representative, Ambas-   and the other on the implications for   med 2013-2022 as the International
          sador Mukhtar Tileuberdi, was elec-  human rights of the environmental-  Decade for the Rapprochement of
          ted as Chairman of the fifth Meeting   ly sound management and disposal   Cultures.
          of the State Parties to the Optional   of hazardous substances and wastes.
          Protocol to the Convention against   The acceptance by Kazakhstan     The Republic of Kazakhstan is a
          Torture which was held on 23 Octo-  of the competence of four out of   champion for the rule of law, both
          ber 2014 in Geneva.                eight United Nations Committees    at the national and international
                                             to receive individual complaints of   levels. It has consistently called for
          Kazakhstan submits periodic natio-  citizens about human rights viola-  strict compliance with universally
          nal reports in accordance with se-  tions represents an effective mecha-   accepted legal norms by all mem-
          ven United Nations                                                            bers of the international
          conventions 	                                                                 community.
          ning basic rights and
          freedoms. In  2014                                                            In continuation of its in-
          Kazakhstan success-                                                           ternational activities, Ka-
          fully defended its                                                            zakhstan has announced
          combined sixth and                                                            its bid for a non-perma-
          seventh reports on                                                            nent membership on the
          the implementation                                                            United Nations Security
          of the Internatio-                                                            Council for  2017-2018. Its
          nal Convention on                                                             bid is based on four central
          the Elimination of                                                            pillars: food security, water
          All Forms of Racial                                                           security, energy security
          Discrimination, the                                                           and nuclear security.
          combined third and
          fourth reports on                                                             Kazakhstan is fully com-
          the Convention on                                                             mitted to international
          the Elimination of                                                            peace and security and at-
          All Forms of Discrimination against   nism to ensure compliance with hu-  taches special significance to the is-
          Women, and the third report on the   man rights standards in the country.   sues of compliance with and respect
          Convention against Torture and     Kazakhstan is a founding member    for fundamental human rights and
          Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading   of the International Commission   freedoms. Its active and measured
          Treatment or Punishment (1984).    against the Death Penalty and im-  involvement in a significant number
                                             plements the Commission's policy   of regional and global processes has
          Kazakhstan is working closely      of its gradual abolition. The country   given Kazakhstan wide-ranging ex-
          with the special procedures of the   has an indefinite moratorium on the   perience and equipped it to address
          Council. It has sent standing invita-  death penalty, and has implemented   many of the challenges facing the
          tions to all mandate holders, which   life imprisonment as an alternative.   world today.
          clearly demonstrates the open-     Kazakhstan is committed to the fun-
          ness of the country. In addition,   damental principles of internatio-  As a regional leader and global part-
          Kazakhstan is one of the few       nal law, among which the respect of   ner in matters of energy security,
          countries that have organized fol-  human rights and freedom, impar-  and a valued contributor to inter-
          low-up visits by the Special Rap-  tiality and non-politicization are   national peace-keeping missions,
          porteurs. The special procedures   deemed pivotal for a sustainable,   Kazakhstan wishes to bring its
          of the Human Rights Council are    universal and effective global archi-  unique experience and expertise
          independent human rights experts   tecture for protecting human rights.   to bear on some of the pressing
          with mandates to report and advise   Kazakhstan, as a multi-national and   challenges.
          on human rights from a thematic or   multi-confessional country, faci-
          country-specific perspective. Special   litates a comprehensive dialogue
          procedures report annually to the   between civilizations within the
          Human Rights Council; the majority   United Nations, as well as among
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