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security andlonger-term peace and and travel over huge distances. nation. A partnership that set out
development. I was very excited Sometime later, Abel Tasman led on paper an agreement for going
to see that the High-Level Panel's an expedition of discovery and on forward. In recent decades the
report to the Secretary-General on i3 December 1642 sighted New Government has made a real effort
the post-xoi5 development agen- Zealand and established a connec- of repartition and Maori is now
da has five transformative shifts, tion with the Netherlands. Tasma- accepted as an official language of
the third of which was the idea of nia is named after him. Then, in New Zealand. There is an encoura-
the interface between security and i76g Captain James COOk explored gement of Maori culture through-
development. The post-develop- the coast of New Zealand and map- out our schools and mutual cultu-
ment agenda is very much at the ped it. Subsequent to that, sailors ral respect.
heart of everything we do. and whalers began to arrive be-
cause the seas around New Zea- Q: Manytourists travel to New
At the same time, New Zealand is a landwere very abundant in sea life. Zealand. What exactly do you
small state with a commitment to These people brought with them a have to offer?
being a good international partner, high drinl6ng culture and, as you
andwehave notserved onthe Secu- can imagine, there was quite an in- New Zealand is the most diverse
rity Council for twenty-one years. teresting interface between Maori geographical place in the world. We
Now is the time to start thinking and European cultures. Atthe same have everything from rain forest to
about the new Security Council for time missionaries came. Then sett- desert, from volcanoes to moun-
:o+5-:oi6 and how we can play a lers became interested as well and, tains. Those who are interested in
role in long-term development, as of course, all kinds of battles took hiking, skiing and outdoor activi-
well as in peace-keeping. It's a very place between the settlers and the ties, such as fishing, are very attrac-
interesting time to be in Geneva, to Maori tribes. The French also came ted to New Zealand. We also have
be working in international diplo- to the South Island, and it became a very good educational infrastruc-
macy and in the UN system. a race between the British and the ture and a lot of foreign students go
French to colonize the country. to study and learn English.
Q: What is the TJN Handbook? There was an agreement signed
Could you tell us about it? on the 6 February i84o between Q: What is the main focus of
representatives of all the Maori New Zealand foreign policy?
It started out with some colleagues tribes and Governor James Busby,
putting some information toge- who was Queen Victoria's repre- New Zealand puts an emphasis on
ther, which other colleagues found sentative at that time. That was the multilateral system. As a small
interesting. Every year now we do really the founding of the country country, we recognize that it is very
an up-date providing all the back- -the founding document of a new important for us to be involved as
ground andthehistoryfor commit-
tees at the '[JN. We update it with
the name of the people serving for ENCH - GERMAN : -H Z -ITALIAN - SPANISH - CHINESE
each country. It is simply a really
useful background document. It is
now also an on-line application, so
you can download it. I think that in
the context ofthe {JN, NewZealand Around a language in 80 hours
is a small country making an endu-
ring contribution that is apprecia- English - German - Chinese - French - Russian
ted by other colleagues.
Q: Many people do not know Personnlized programs from 1 to 20 ltmuuS p(f wcck
much about your country.
adults-children -companies
Could you tell us something
about it? :, Remedial courses on every subject - Reading
Preparation for English and French schooling
New Zealand celebrates its natio-
G Scciilaiial Diploma - Computer studies
nal day-Waitangi Day-on 6
Accelerated programs in 3 months
February. It marks the day when
around z,5oo Maori arrived in Academic and professional orientation - Coaching
their big canoes from a place called
Flexible schedule from 7 am to 10 pm - 7 days a week
Hawaii Legend, which we believe
The first lesson entails no nMiggtinn
is somewhere in French Polynesia.
That was the great Maori arrival. 2 a as
<, 32,avenuedeFrontenex- 5 min from Rive [2
They were incredible navigators
because they were able to use stars Tel. 022 736 28 74 B