Page 14 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 14
implications and ramifications of in 2012 set targets and we are telling countries that you owe it
the positions they are adopting. trying to achieve them. We give to your population to grow, but
advice to national governments on at another level we should say to
We are dealing with the African what it takes and how to adjust to the developed economies that, as
countries as a regional group de- post-LDC status. This process has an instrument of solidarity, you
veloping a platform of transpa- helped Vanuatu and Angola. We should allow for these countries to
rency and sustainability on natural want to work with others to expand graduate without erosion of market
resource use. Since 2009 UNCTAD the process. How to expand on access.
developed what is called the Sustai- the Human Growth Index? How
nable Natural Resources Exchange to create competitiveness and not Q: How do you see the eco-
Initiative. Countries become trans- be dependent on the unlimited nomic outlook for African
parent in all their declarations of privileged market access of being countries over the next few
audited natural resources, and an LDC? It is a question of getting years?
the platform clears the negotiated them out of the complaisance of
contracts they have with multi- wearing the LDC status as a badge For a number of reasons, I am
laterals before going into produc- of honour. not as optimistic as most people.
tion. This is important as bench- Firstly, if you look at the boom in
marking and good governance of Q: Wearing the LDC as a badge Africa, there have been two main
natural resources. of honour -- is it not rather a engines. One is a steady and rela-
heavy burden to carry? tively high international price on
The third thing is that we are commodities, substantially fuelled
encouraging countries to have a When the category LDCs was crea- by consumption in China and other
structural transformation tax. This ted in the early 19705 it was expec- parts of Asia. If you look at African
is taken from natural resources ted that countries
revenue and committed to invest- would graduate
ment in education or health care. to become "emer-
The intention is to avoid typical ging" economies.
illnesses like those, for instance, Today, forty years
in Equatorial Guinea. This country later, you have
has a GDP of US$16,000 per capi- more LDCs than
ta, but its infant mortality rate is ever before! Our
comparable to Burundi which has a feeling is that,
GDP of US$280. Thus, prioritizing unless there is a
investments in human resources commitment to
and social indicators of growth stop being an LCD,
influences the sustainable use of it becomes a trap.
natural resources. Developed econo-
mies allow great-
We are also supporting an initia- er access to their
tive establishing a minerals obser- markets for LDCs.
vatory for Africa, examining natu- Countries fear gra-
ral resources, best practices, abuse duating because it will reduce their countries as great performers, they
of workers' rights within countries, market access. The diplomacy has have been dependent on commodity
and also the unsustainable trans- to go both ways; industrial markets prices that will decline over the
formation price that has been have to accept market access for next decade.
exposed where African natural countries that are making an effort
resources lose billions of US dollars to grow. They should not punish Secondly, if you look at African
every year by being transferred to people who wish escape the LDC growth over the past few years,
low tax territories -- not excluding status. You should encourage them economies have been growing at 7
Geneva! We want to see how we by sustaining acceptable market to even 10%, but employment crea-
can create a stronger voice for deal- access, even if they graduate. tion has constantly been below 3%.
ing with this. If employment creation remains
As an LDC, you can export any- below population growth, it means
There is another thing we are plan- thing into the European Union that you are planting the seeds of
ning to do in support of African apart from drugs and armaments. future distress.
LDCs in their declared commit- But the moment you stop being an
ment -- at least 50% of them should LDC customs duties are applied. Thirdly, there has been an inade-
graduate from LDC status by Thus, it encourages countries to quate organic relationship between
2020. The Declaration of Istanbul remain poor. At one level, we are growth by extraction of natural
12 International