Page 11 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 11

some Paris St Germain footballers
                                                                                who could pay off the deficit, but this
                                                                                is not the same thing. In the mean-
                                                                                time there are tens of millions of
                                                                                people waiting for UNESCO to bring
                                                                                them better education, better educa-
                                                                                tion systems, better training oppor-
                                                                                tunities, better trained teachers. On
                                                                                behalf of my country, on behalf of
                                                                                Africa, I hope that knowledge will be
                                                                                made available to everyone and not
                                                                                be reserved for a certain privileged

                                                                                Q:  In many African countries,
          have a country that is rich in water   A friend came to see me and told   there are problems with school
          resources, with thousands of rivers   me that he was happy that I was   drop-out, lack of vocational
          and streams. We do not have any    elected and said: "You're someone   training and unemployment
          water problems and have 6 million   who knows the house, and who can   among young people. These are
          hectares of fertile land. If you take   defend the interests of your former   potential social time-bombs. Is
          our mining resources and our agri-  colleagues. This gives you an extra   this the case in Guinea?
          cultural resources, in time we could   responsibility for their trust because
          make our country into an emerging   they think you are able to defend   This is the case everywhere, since we
          country. This is the reason why I am   their interests." I've never felt that   cannot satisfy the training needs of
          against development aid. I am in fa-  one should calculate the cost/benefit   young people. You should know that
          vour of more investment and a win-  ratio. For me, UNESCO's role is to   we have a very young population and
          win situation for everybody. I have   disseminate knowledge to those who   a failing education system. We have
          great ambitions for my country.    do not have the means to acquire   around  49   to 59% of school drop-
                                             it. Some Member States are always   outs -- this is huge. The quality of
          Q: For people who want to in-      asking to cut the budget and reduce   teaching is not at the required level.
          vest what do you have to offer?    staff; this is a mistake in my point of   We have no vocational training and
                                             view. As I represent a poor country,   we have a pool of young people enter-
          We are open to all types of invest-  and even when I shout loud they  ing the labour market without train-
          ments, as long as investors do not   cannot hear me, but in my mind the   ing. We ought to give them hope
          come with briefcases full of cash and   most valuable asset of UNESCO is its   and a future. The Minister of Youth
          try to bribe people to acquire mar-  staff.                           Employment has set up training pro-
          kets. We want transparency, linked                                    grammes that aim to train as many
          to a partnership that is a win-win   There is no vaccine to distribute as   young people as possible and he
          situation for all parties. We have a   WHO does. What UNESCO does is   encourages businesses and investors
          lot of opportunities to offer in terms   distribute knowledge. Qualitatively,   to absorb the vitality of this dyna-
          of mining, agriculture, etc.       how can one assess the benefits of   mic youth. Our young people need
                                             a contract of  US$10   million given   training.
          Q:  You have been elected to       to trainers who train teachers? How
          represent your country on the      can you judge the quality of educa-  Today I was in a meeting with Gui-
          Executive Board of UNESCO.         tion given by the teachers to the   nean students who are ready to
          What does this mean for you?       students? These are some of the    return back home. We try to set up
                                             difficulties. I'm having trouble get-  a kind of mechanism, a plan in or-
          I think this is one of the greatest mo-  ting my colleagues on the Executive   der to try gradually to absorb the
          ral satisfactions of my professional   Board to see the role of UNESCO as a   youth who would be the solution
          life. I started my career in UNESCO   gift from heaven, a gift from heaven   to our problems of governance.
          when I was a third-year law student,   for the continent most in need of   Bad habits have been created over
          and I spent my entire career in this   UNESCO. As I mentioned earlier,   the years, and these young people
          organization. I served the Executive   we have young people who need to   who are trained in universities out-
          Board when I was the Chief of Bud-  be trained, and this is the organi-  side and have a good education
          get. I prepared the briefing notes for   zation that can help us to achieve   injected in huge numbers into our
          the Director-General, as well as the   these objectives. Unfortunately,   administration and businesses will
          replies to the questions raised, etc.   when you lower the number of staff   give us a new class of leaders who
          To be there now behind my country's   and cut the budget, how can it fulfil its   think in terms of performance, of
          name plate in the organization where   role? Frankly, the budget devoted to   public good, of good governance and
          I spent my whole career has been a   this organization is almost nothing.   who have a clear distinction between
          huge personal satisfaction.        There are member states that could   their own personal pocket and that
                                             easily pay the whole budget or even   of the state.

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