Page 7 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 7
they have a financial crisis we are It's an incredibly historical building, and a half. It's a very constructive
affected immediately. Our budget part of the heritage of Switzerland, discussion with questions and ans-
was cut by 5% this year and we have of Geneva and of the world. In fact, wers from all missions and heads
to adapt to that financial reality. We we are looking into the possibility of agencies. When they come to
have to make savings. We have to of having it declared a World Heri- Europe, to Geneva, I have asked all
find efficiency, prioritize differently tage Site. I do not know if we will our Special Representatives of the
and look again at how we do our job. succeed, but it would be nice if we Secretary-General, Special Repre-
However, it has to be done in a broad- could. sentatives or heads of missions and
er frame than just that of money. If heads of other organizations around
we base our policies and priorities The General Assembly has just paid the world to put time aside to tell us
only on money concerns, we are for the renovation of the Headquar- what is happening in their sector.
making a big mistake. It is of course ters in New York. They know that it
important to base priorities on sub- must happen here but would like to We also have briefings on specific
stance reflecting what kind of bud- minimize the final bill. Thus, they topics: "post-2015", cyber-security,
get you have, but you cannot look have asked us to find alternative fi- the GAVI, peace-building and many
only at the financial aspects. The nancing -- we are fund-raising. We others. It's a good opportunity in
challenge I have set myself is to see are asking first and foremost Mem- a very flexible and brief format to
how we can change the perception of ber States to take on specific pro- have an in-depth informal discus-
Geneva globally, and rebrand Inter- jects, like Spain did for the Human sion. This has become quite popu-
national Geneva. It's a big task that will Rights and Alliance of Civilizations lar, so we intend to hold as many as
involve a lot of people and require a Room in a very successful public/ we can.
mental and cultural change. Indivi- private partnership. Other countries
dual staff members who work in the are now saying that they would like Q: What would you most like
different organizations will have to to be responsible for Room "X". to see accomplished in Geneva
think about their contribution, how More and more governments are over the next several years?
their involvement affects people. We coming forward, so hopefully there
have to learn to sell ourselves since will be some savings. We hope to be successful in chan-
the UN system is genetically inca- ging the perception and awareness
pable of selling itself. It is very im- We will try to raise funds in the pri- of what is happening here -- that
portant to explain the link between vate sector -- from both individuals would be great. I want to streng-
the work we do and the life of indi- and businesses. There are two argu- then Geneva not only as the hub
viduals. Many people do not really ments here. The one is that this is for humanitarian actions, human
know what the UN is about and I part of the Swiss national heritage; rights, health, etc., but also -- as it
would like to make them aware of it. there is almost a moral responsibili- has always been for practically two
The substance that is being genera- ty for our friends in Geneva to main- centuries now -- as a platform and
ted here, not only in the UN but by tain this beautiful historical jewel. hub for multilateral diplomacy. I
the whole of the international com- Meanwhile, it also has to be an ef- was lucky to start just as the talks
munity, by the hundreds of NGOs ficient place for Member States to on Iran and Syria put Geneva in the
based here, by governments, etc., is work. To our friends in the business spotlight. I would very much like the
a very rich product. Geneva is more world we say: Geneva's business is Conference on Disarmament to start
than the sum of its parts. These enti- international business. We are here. moving again. It has been pretty sta-
ties are here because the others are The City of Geneva has a special at- tic and nothing much has been done
also here. Each reinforces the other. traction to people around the world. for the last eighteen years. Over the
It's a good decision for local busi- next couple of years we must make
Look, for instance, at the health nessmen to invest in making sure sure that this place is as vibrant as
community -- you have UNAIDS, that Geneva stays international. We possible.
WHO, the GAVI Alliance, the Global need their assistance in helping us
Fund and a multitude of NGOs that to ensure that the Palais des Nations There is another element that has
work on health issues all located remains a fantastic symbol of Inter- priority. Like the rest of the world,
in the same town, making it much national Geneva. we are entering a phase where the
easier to coordinate their activities. way we work depends to a much
It ensures logical, effective and effi- Q: We have heard about the greater extent on new technologies.
cient collaboration. To me, efficien- briefings that you organize for This will affect our staff by changing
cy is extremely important. the diplomatic community. the way we work. Some jobs will
change, disappear or be converted
The other big challenge is, of course, I felt that Member States were sim- to other things. Those changes have
the renovation and modernization ply not being given as much infor- to be managed to make sense to
of the Palais des Nations -- the phy- mation as they would like. Many everybody, in particular to the staff
sical symbol of international Geneva missions are very small and do not themselves, but it has to be managed
-- which has now been decided by have the physical ability to follow in a practical, fair and effective
the General Assembly. It is going to everything that takes place here way so that we continue to become
take ten years at least. It's important -- it's simply too much. These brie- better at delivering on the man-
that we do as good a job as possible. fings last from one hour to one hour dates we have been given, but in a
International 5