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                                                  in   order   to  reduce   our   dependence    on  fossil   fuels.
            What   to  believe   and
                                                  For  many   people   this   is  accompanied    by  the   very
                                                  convincing   argument   of  generating   electricity    for
            what   not   to   believe
                                                 free   without    any  pollution.    Another    gnoup   pours
                                                 scorn   and  contempt    on  this  solution,   saying   that
            Considerable    progress   has  been  made   in   techno-
                                                 wind   farms   change   scenic   locations   into   industrial
            logy.  Loolc   at  mobile   telephones   and  the  Internet.
                                                  landscapes,   Icill   significant   numbers   of  birds   and
            Today,  many   people   enjoy   a  standard   ofliving    much  produce   only   a   fraction   of  their   potential   energy
            higher   than   that   of   their   parents.
                                                 because   the   wind   is   unpredictable.    In fifty   years'

                                                 time,   what   will  be  the  situation?   Will   the  whole
            So  what   is   really   happening?   Are   the  rich   getting
                                                  landscape   be  covered   in  wind   turbines   or   will   we
            richer   and  the  poor   getting   poorer,   as  one  recent
                                                 laugh  at  such  preposterously    outdated   solutions?
            analysis   suggested!Will    the   middle   class  disappear,
            as  many  social  scientists   predict,   and  if  so  what
                                                 Recently,   we  heard   about   DNA   kits  that   can   be
            will  replace   it!  How   will  posterity   look   upon   our
                                                 found   on  the  Internet   and  apparently   have  gener-
            society!   What   kind  of  world   will   we  leave  for   our
                                                 ated  a   lot  of  business.   People   may  be  interested
            children!                            in   discovering    their   ancestral   pasts,   or   to  obtain   a
                                                 genetic   roadmap   that   may  predict   future   personal
            How   many   times   have  we   seen   the   label  "approved  health   conditions.    Celebrities    have  had  important
            by  scientists",   "approved    by  the  medical   associa-  parts   of   their   bodies   removed   due  to  an   ominous
            tion"   on  a   product!   What   could   be  more   certain
                                                 genetic   heritage.
            than   resorting   to  the  integrity   of  a  professional
            organization!    Marketing   at  its  best!   But,   despite   all
                                                 However,   a   decade's   worth   of   analyses   of  genetic
            this,   has  the   world   really   become   a  better   place   to
                                                 screening   services   has    shown   that   they   almost
            live!  Franklin   D.   Roosevelt   said: "The   test   of  our
                                                 always  promise   more   than  they   can   deliver.   It   is
            progress   is   not  whether    we   add  more   to   the   abun-  true   that   the   genetic   variations   found   in  your   DNA
                                             we  sample   may  be "associated"    with   diseases,   but   that
            dance   of  those   who   have  much;   it  is   whether
            provide   enough   for   those   who   have  little."
                                                 doesn't   necessary   imply   "causation".    In  other
                                                 words,  iust   because   a   genetic   test  says   your  genes
           Take,for   instance,genetically    modified   (GM)   crops.  carry   a "higher   than  normal"   chance   of   developing
           The   aim  is   to  introduce   a   new  trait   to   the   plant
                                                 Alzheimer's    orType   2   diabetes,   it's  not   guaranteed
           which   does  not   occur   naturally,   such  as  resistance
                                                 you   will   acquire   it.
           to  pests  or  diseases,   adaptation   to  environmental
           conditions   such  as  drought,   frost   or  high  salinity,  The   u.s.  Government    Accountability     Office
           or  improving   the  nutrient   value   of  the   crop.There
                                                 conducted   a  review   of  online   businesses   offering
           is   broad   scientific   consensus   that   GM  crops   pose
                                                 genetic   testing   and  lifestyle   counselling   services.
           no  greater   risk   to  human   health   than   conventional
                                                 They   sent   the   same  samples   to  a  number   of  com-
           food.   On  the   other   hand,   there   also  seems   to  be
                                                 panies   and  found   that   their   predictions    ran  right
           widespread    concern    about   them   from    environ-  across   the   board.The    conclusion?  "These   tests   do
           mental   activists,   religious   organizations,    public   inte-  not   provide   meaningful   information    to  consumers."
           rest  groups   and    some   professional    associations.
           The   agribusiness   has   been  criticized   for   pursuing
                                                 So   what   can  we  do?  Stay  alert,   and  each  time   we
           profit   without   concern   for   potential   hazards,   and  see  something   "approved    by",   do  as  my  old   granny
           the  government    for   failing   to  exercise   adequate  used  to  say: "Take   it  with   a   pinch   of   salt",   meaning
           control.   It  seems   that   everyone   has   a  strong   opi-
                                                 that,   despite   what   the  experts   say,   you  are  still
           nion  about   GM  foods-even    the  Pope  and  the  required   to   use  your   own   common   sense.
           Prince   ofWales.When    will   we  know   the   truth!
                                                                       Marjt   and John
           Take,  for   instance,   wind    turbines.   Governments
           have  encouraged   companies   to  build  wind   farms
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