Page 9 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 9


                         POTENTIALLY A RICH


                               Interview with His Excellency

                        Amara Camara

                                      Ambassador of Guinea to France

              His Excellency Amara Camara       Q: After being an inter-         is not the ambassador but Amara
              is a dedicated man, busy as a     national civil servant for  Camara who is speaking. I am an
              bee.                              thirty years, today you repre-   independent soul and, unfortuna-
                                                sent your country. What are      tely, my functions require me to have
              You will find him in his office in   the major differences?        close personal protection. Thus, soli-
              his country's embassy in Paris six                                 tary walks, going to the shops or ta-
                                                The biggest change is to be in a   king public transport are no longer
              or even seven days a week. He
                                                national context, a homogenous   possible. All this is a deprivation of
              started his career as a student
                                                society where everybody has the   liberty, but on the other side, wor-
              in UNESCO, and was an inter-
                                                same nationality. I used to work   king for one's country, especially
              national civil servants for thirty
                                                in an international environment   a country in the developing world,
              years before retiring. He then    with more than  100  different   and contributing even a little bit to
              set up an association to import   nationalities, and with a com-   improving the lives of the popula-
              containers full of equipment to   pletely different way of working.   tion, has no price. Therefore, I consi-
              Guinea. During all these years    I always say that the difference   der this deprivation of liberty as an
              he continued advocating for       between the bilateral and multila-  acceptable sacrifice.
              his country and was known to      teral levels is that in the UN sys-
              be one of the leading Guinean     tem, in UNESCO, you have a job   Q: Could you tell us about your
                                                description and you are judged by   country?
              intellectuals in the diaspora.
                                                your performance, whereas work-
              When the first democratically
                                                ing in bilateral diplomacy you do   Indeed, one of my tasks is to talk
              elected president took up office
                                                not have a job description -- you   about my country, and to make sure
              in 2010, Amara Camara was ap-
                                                represent your country in every   that when people ask about Guinea
              pointed Ambassador to France,
                                                area, every domain and everything   they do not ask which one -- Gui-
              where he is working hard to put   you do is done in the name of your   nea Bissau or Equatorial Guinea? It
              Guinea on the agenda.             country and for your country. You   is a country that has suffered a lot.
                                                are depersonalized. You are the   First of all, it has a unique history.
              Recently, he was appointed        person behind the position -- an   It was the only former French colony
              as the representative of his      ambassador -- and that comple-   that voted "no" in 1958 to the name
              country on the Executive Board    tely changes the nature of things.   proposed by Charles de Gaulle, the
              of UNESCO, quite an honour        I have no specific tasks but more   French President. This is how we
                                                varied and multiple ones. These   became independent, but our first
              for a former civil servant who
                                                are the major changes.           presidents isolated the country for
               had spent his whole career in
                                                                                 almost fifty years. Guinea became a
              this organization. We caught up
                                                Q: As the official representa-   closed country.
              with him in the sixteenth arron-
                                                tive of your country, do you
              dissement of Paris and asked
                                                have any personal freedom?       The first democratically elected pre-
               him to tell us about his country                                  sident took up his functions on  21
              -- Guinea.                        This is perhaps the most difficult   December 2010. Prior to that we had
                                                part of my functions and now it   had Sekou Touré and then Lansana
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