Page 8 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 8
way that takes into account both the anywhere in the world, it has a very Q: What can the Director-
needs and aspirations of staff mem- high level of recognition. People as- General do to make this trend
bers. That means retraining and sociate Geneva with peace and inter- continue?
planning -- all those things that have national activity -- there is no other
to be managed in a proper way with city really like it in the world. Many In terms of protocol, the DG is a sort
staff. And it has to be done now, people outside Switzerland think of primus inter pares among the
not tomorrow. other heads of UN agencies here,
but that's only a concept. In reality
We all have to it means that you have to work to
face reality. It maintain good relationships with
does not go away your colleagues and you should
because we do not provide them with the structure
like it and I think enabling them to interact and work
we can minimize better together. That is one of the
the impact. In ways that the Director-General can
2013 we had to be proactive -- to make sure that the
abolish twenty- system itself is as integrated as pos-
three posts, but sible in those areas where it makes
nobody sense for them to work together. He
their jobs. I should also point out potential areas
do not know if where they could work together.
we can always
manage to do it like that, but we that Geneva is the capital of Swit- Q: You are doing a lot of public
will try to do so in a more collabo- zerland and there is a good reason relations work too?
rative way with the rest of the other for this. First of all, there is a good
UN agencies here in Geneva. So infrastructure, tradition, history, an Yes it's true -- I'm trying to. Then
there are many ideas and I think enormous amount of support from of course you have to manage the
we are going to step up the training the host country to make sure that Palais. It's a big machine with more
activities. That is also one of my the enabling environment for every- than 11,000 meetings a year, which
priorities. thing that we do is as good as pos- is really a lot. It's a logistical support
sible. The support we get from all hub for a lot of our colleagues, not
Q: Some of your former col- three levels of the Swiss authorities only in Geneva but also in the field.
leagues consider you to be the -- federal, cantonal and the city -- is There are a lot of things happening
right man in the right place at quite extraordinary. There is a basis here. You see my concept is not just
the right time. Are you optimis- for keeping Geneva the way it is that we have to bring the UN family
tic about your current situa- and we need to make people under- together better, but ensure that the
tion? stand that. This enhances my idea whole of International Geneva is
that we ought to try to change the functioning like clockwork. It is not
It is very clear that I am Acting perception, even of governments. only the UN agencies I'm interacting
Director-General. I was told from If we are successful, finance ministers with, but other international organi-
the beginning that I cannot be a and others will say: "Yes, maybe zations which do work that is just
candidate in the long term because Geneva is a little bit more expensive as important, and is pretty much
the Secretary-General has to follow because of the exchange rate, but we connected to the work we do. IATA,
a procedure. The Secretary-General get value for money and it's worth ISO, IPU, the Red Cross -- all these
asks Member States for candidates the investment." For instance, just people are working in the same
and he decides upon that basis. He imagine if the network of health direction as the UN system and we
does not want to give the impression organizations was located in four need to be as connected as possible.
to Member States that he is adop- or five different capitals around the
ting short-cut procedures. I'm here world. The cost of coordination and I think we have come now to a mo-
until November 2015, which allows making sure that everybody was on ment in history where the reality --
me to continue with the different board would be much higher. The as it always does -- imposes itself,
initiatives I have started. value-added and impact are hard not just financially but also in our
to quantify in monetary terms. It understanding of complexity. The
Q: We have seen a growth in means that the international health way it has to be solved pushes us to
the importance of Geneva over system is far more impactful and the realisation that we need to work
the last couple of months. Do efficient than if it were scattered all much better and to be more effec-
you think that this trend will over the place. So the answer to your tive together at getting the results
continue? question is "yes", I think it's possible we need. We have the means, the
for Geneva to continue to maintain knowledge and the expertise, and if
I certainly hope so and I will do every- its place as an international hub. we work much closer together we are
thing I can to make sure it does. going to have a much greater impact
When you say the word "Geneva" in solving all of these problems. •
6 International