Page 13 - DIVA_1_2015
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major competence for development   practices, more relevant institutio-  them. I am glad to say that for some
          problems and technical assistance   nal reforms and more peer review  countries and some programmes, I
          on comprehensive specific issues.  comparisons. What are your neigh-  have noticed a positive tone in their
          This concerns our                                                                   resource allocation
          tool kits, like "ASY-                                                               and
          CUDA", which is the                                                                 support. We have
           most widely used                                                                   just signed a new
          custom software                                                                     programme setting
          in the world, or                                                                    up a centre of excel-
          "DMFAS", a debt                                                                     lence on trade faci-
           management ins-                                                                    litation for Africa,
          trument for devel-                                                                  which is going to be
          oping countries, or                                                                 funded by the Swe-
          "EMPRETEC", a                                                                       dish Government. I
           programme which                                                                    think this is the first
           is very popular with                                                               fresh funding from
           enterprise devel-                                                                  the Swedish Govern-
          opment support.                                                                     ment to UNCTAD
          We have developed                                                                   in quite a few years.
           competences that                                                                   The Government of
           are widely respected.                                                              Finland has retained
           Similarly, we have                                                                 substantial levels
           developed a voice                                                                  of funding for this
           on investment. We are the world's  bour's best practices? In this way  year; it has slightly increased its
           premium institution focusing on in-  we will have a bigger impact than   activities. The Netherlands is also
          vestment trends in the world, both   just inviting countries to attend our   one of our major donors. Our pro-
          through our publication  World      meetings in Geneva or giving them   grammes for the least-developed
           investment report  and the bien-  our publications -- as much as this   countries (LDCs) have been sup-
           nial World Investment Forum to be   remains important.                ported by non-traditional extra
          held next in October 2014.                                            budgetary sources. So, I do not
                                              Lastly, since the narrative on deve-  agree that there has been a decline
          We are at the forefront of inter-  lopment within the UN family for   in resource support. We are looking
           national mainstream leadership.  the next thirty years is going to be   at how to grow from where we are.
          These pragmatic programmes  substantially directed by sustain-         If I believe in a cause enough, I en-
           remain an important focus of the   able development goals (SDGs), we   gage the potential donors directly.
          work we do -- how to improve them,   have to find a niche within this dis-
          how to keep the programmes with-   course for our expertise. We are fin-  Q: Most of the LDCs are found
           in manageable limits, make them   ding opportunities to demonstrate   in Africa. What are your plans
           relevant for developing countries  the economic pillars of sustainable   for them?
          and to find the extra-budgetary  development and also suggesting
           resources to complement our own    new ones: engaging new partners    First of all, we are dealing directly
          budget. These are some of the res-  within the sustainable development   with the African Union Commis-
          ponsibilities I see for myself.    process; private sector players;  sion, which has a comprehensive
                                             hedge funds; sovereign funds; in-   road map and architecture for the
          Thirdly, I am trying to shift some of  vestor resources to compensate for   continent. This was adopted by
          the focus of the organization. I want   the deficit on pledged international  African presidents at the end of
          greater policy influence through  support for this SDGs.              January  2012.  We have signed a
           interaction. What this means is that I                               Memorandum of Understanding
           am cutting down some of our publi-  Q: UNCTAD has been criticized  with them and we are providing
           cations, reducing their appearance   in the past and some donors  them with technical back-up and
           to one annual edition, collapsing   have reduced their extra-        advice. We have been involved in
          some publications into one, and    budgetary funding. Are you  dialogue with the African Union
           putting some others online instead   trying to win them back?         Commission, as Africa is partici-
           of hard copy. What we save in time                                    pating at the European Union Sum-
           and money we want to put into      Every countryhas a right to decide on   mit in Brussels in April  2014.  In
           direct interface policy with devel-  its priority areas of programme sup-  August the African presidents were
           oping countries. For example,  port. One of the challenges of a new  in the United States. We are giving
           we want more field offices, more   Secretary-General in this organi-  them some technical background
          government meetings, more experts   zation is to see what the priority  on the challenges, the consisten-
           on concrete challenges, more best   areas are and which donors support   cy of the message, and possible

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