Page 12 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 12


                                                                marks its 50th

                                                                ann iversary

         Interview with  qukhisa Kituyi

        Secretary-General of UNCTAD

            Mr Kituyi has had a long and   was a very fulfilling time in a chal-  meeting in 2016. My responsibility is
            impressive career. Not only    lenging situation Fulfilment varies   to offer efficient, competent leader-
                                           too. The birth of my grandson was  ship to all the professionals in or-
            has he been an academic, a
                                           another fulfilling moment. There is   der to keep the promises of Doha
            former Kenyan minister of
                                           no comparison between passing a    and what is set out in the approved
            trade, but he also has wide-
                                           competitive exam and becoming a  work-plan.
            ranging experience in trade
            negotiations, and in African
                                                                              The second level of my responsi-
            and broader international
                                           The level of international accep-  bility is that this is an institution
            economic policy and diplo-
                                           tance that was displayed -- at a   priding itself on its independent
                                           particularly difficult time for this  analytical work, offering a bold
                                           organization -- when my nomina-    view from the perspective of deve-
            Some people say, to be the     tion was presented to the General  loping countries. What is the state
            head of UNCTAD one could       Assembly of the United Nations  of world affairs economically?
            not find a better qualified    also represents a humbling and  What are the challenges for develo-
            man. In addition, we may also   enriching experience for me.       ping countries? What can the inter-
            add that -- believe it or not --                                   national community do to streng-
            he speaks fluent Norwegian!     Q: You are now at the head  then their ability to growthrough inter-
            A very nice, modest person      of an international economic  national integration and engagement?
            with a good sense of humour,   think-tank. What are your  I remain aware of that respon-
            here is Mr Kituyi.             main objectives for the organi-    sibility. We will seek to guard our
                                            zation?                           analytical independence, but I
                                                                              try to anchor it in the relevance
                                           There are a number of things. First   of the moment. Look at globali-
         Q: You have a very impressive  of all, as the leader of an institution   zation. Look at the uncertainty of the
         curriculum vitae. What has  that is fifty years old, the core res-    financial markets after the recent
         given you the most satisfaction?   ponsibility is how to make the orga-  economic troubles, and look at the
                                            nization do better. What has it been   significance of the emerging eco-
         Satisfaction varies. Passing a com-  doing well? What is its core mandate   nomies as players in international
         petitive examination and being  and how can it fulfil this role more   trade and in economic diplomacy.
         admitted to a very prestigious high   efficiently? There is a ministerial   In this context, what is the nar-
         school was a very fulfilling moment.   conference that sets out our man-  rative? What is the meaning for
         At another level, I think the three   date and gives us our terms of refe-  developing countries at the macro-
         years I served as the Chairman of   rence for the next four years. The   economic level?
         African Ministers of Trade and the   thirteenth UNCTAD Conference,
         Working Group on Sustainable  which was held in Doha in  2012,        At another level, during its fifty
         Consumption and Production of  set out clearly what the organi-       years, and particularly over the last
         the Nordic Council of Ministers  zation has to accomplish for its next   thirty years, UNCTAD has created

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