Page 6 - DIVA_1_2015
P. 6



        Interview with
        Michael Moller

        Acting Director-General,
        United Nations Headquarters, Geneva

                                            officer,  P1, step 1 in UNHCR. I was   The last time I worked in the Palais
            It's not every day that you
                                            sent to UNHCR's regional office in   des Nations was almost twenty years
            meet a man like Michael
                                            New York in the early 198os before   ago. I was actually the political advi-
            Moller, the Acting Direc-
                                            returning to the Secretariat. Before   sor to Mr Petrovsky, who was then
            tor-General of the United
                                            coming here in November 2013 I     the Director-General. In the inter-
                                            had about thirty years of experience   vening years, I lived in Geneva again
                                            with the UN in a mixture of field   as the Director of the Kofi Annan
            He is dedicated to Internatio-
                                            and headquarters' assignments.     Foundation.
            nal Geneva, to the prestige of   I was three times in New York and
            the City of Calvin, and to the   this is my fourth time in Geneva.   My initial assignment has been to
            work carried out here by the    I have been in Mexico, in Haiti, in   manage the place until a permanent
            United Nations and its agen-    Iran, in Cyprus -- a nice mix of head-  occupant is found for this office. It
            cies, the non-governmental      quarters and field experiences. It is   was only once I came here that I
            organizations and even the      important to be familiar with both   started to see the full picture -- the
                                            aspects as you move up the ladder   mandate given to me, the possibi-
            other international organiza-
                                            in the system. I consider myself to   lities and the things that could be
                                            have had a very full and lucky life so   changed. During the first couple of
                                            far and I would like it to continue   weeks I started to realise the dimen-
            During his few months in of-
                                            like that.                         sions of the job and what I would
            fice he has become known as
                                                                               like to make of it. I did not have any
            a man of action, who likes to   Q: You were appointed in Nov-      preconceived ideas at first.
            see things moving in every-     ember 2013 to be Acting Head
            body's best interests. Pragma-  of the United Nations Office at    Q: What has turned out to be
            tic, straightforward and hard-  Geneva. Did you actively seek      the most challenging part of
            working, he is committed to     this post or was it unexpected?    your job?
            making all of international Ge-
            neva work better together. It   It came completely out of the blue!   One of the things I realised very
                                            My predecessor was called back to   quickly is a general observation
            is no secret that many people
                                            assume a high post in his govern-  -- the perception of International
            hope that he will be confir-
                                            ment, so they needed an expe-      Geneva among the general public,
            med in this appointment so
                                            rienced person to take over and my   among colleagues and also in the
            that he can continue what he
                                            name came up. It must be one of the   world's capitals is very narrow. They
            started, namely to put Geneva
                                            fastest recruitments in the history of   do not know the full extent of what
            back in the limelight. Here is   the United Nations -- it took about a   is going on here. They see it as an
            Mr Moller.                      week. It all happened very quickly!   expensive city with lots of meetings,
                                            I was on my way to Geneva anyway,   many people have a good life -- but it
                                            so I threw in a couple more suitcases   stops there. In fact, there is the most
        Q: Could you tell us something      and off I went.                    extraordinary amount of very impor-
        about your background?                                                 tant substance decided here that af-
                                            Q: When you accepted this          fects people all over the world every
        I started my career here in Geneva   appointment, what were you        day. But this knowledge is invisible.
        on 14 March 1979. Thirty-five years   hoping to accomplish and what    We are now in a very difficult period
        ago I began as a junior professional   are your initial perceptions?   for Member States, because when

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