Page 20 - DIVA_1_2015
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ver the past twenty-three constitutional legality and the fur- cies, of advisory and deliberative
years the Republic of ther strengthening of the existing bodies, Kazakhstan has been able to
O Kazakhstan has carried out pillars of a democratic, secular, law- pursue gradual devolution of social-
reforms virtually in all areas of pu- abiding and socialist state. It has be- ly important sectors and functions
blic and social life. As a homeland to come a real tool for the achievement of local governance to civil society.
over 130 different nationalities and of the constitutional imperative
ethnic groups, special attention has of the highest order. The country Kazakhstan fully supports the work
been paid to the consolidation of adheres to the principle of the uni- of the United Nations Human Rights
the sentiment of national statehood, versality of human rights, as enshri- Council and has been an active
the development of relevant laws, ned in the Universal Declaration of member since 2013. The country
the establishment of an effective Human Rights, which includes in- is involved with human rights me-
and transparent mechanism for the ternationally recognized standards chanisms, first of all concerning
development of the individual and in this domain, so that they shall one of the key mechanisms of the
society, and improving the popula- guide the state when implementing Council -- the Universal Periodic
tion's standard of living. them on the domestic level. Review (UPR). On 30 October 2014
Kazakhstan completed its second
In his annual State-of-the-Nation Kazakhstan has signed more than UPR exercise, which resulted in its
Address on 11 November 2014, 190 universal international trea- acceptance of 143 recommendations
President Nursultan Nazarbayev ties and conventions, primarily in out of 194. Currently, Kazakhstan is
announced a New Economic Pro- the area of human rights. There is working on the implementation of
gramme for the country entitled an ongoing pro-
Nurly Zhol (Shining Path). The new cess of innovatory
development programme is aimed mechanisms that
at maintaining the economy of the will ensure public
country for the future. participation in
the implementa-
President Nazarbayev also spoke tion and exercise
about the crucial importance of uni- of state power,
ty and solidarity in the country in or- and the involve-
der to carry out the new programme. ment of citizens
He pointed out that unity, trust and in state gover-
tolerance between all the various nance. Thanks to
people that occupy the territory are the strengthening
the keys to the future of Kazakhstan. of the legal fra-
Interethnic harmony is life-giving mework for the
oxygen. "Peace and stability are the organization and
public legacy, which needs to be pro- functioning of po-
tected and strengthened every day," litical parties, as
said Kazakhstan's President. well as in the non-
governmental sec-
The Constitution of the Republic of tor, and the estab-
Kazakhstan includes all the guar- lishment, under
antees needed for the promotion of government agen-
18 International