Page 46 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 46

many little people that can cause,
                                                                                    unfortunately, the mismanage-
                                                                                    ment we see. That does not mean
                                                                                    that the idea of the UN is not
                                                                                    good-the idea is very good. We
                                                                                    just have to find the right people
                                                                                    and the right way to build a clean
                                                                                    and efficient organization.
                                                                                    Q:  You  have completed the
                                                                                    Uniting Pai,tting project. What is
                                                                                    your next project?

                                                                                    To continue it! I would have it
                                                                                    exhibited in different countries;
                                      (News Item: U.S. Congress will probably approve permanent trade relations with China this coming   use it to create a common
                                      week, after lawmakers reached an agreement to monitor human rights in China.)
                                                                                    denominator for countries in the
                                                                                    form of art-like a passport. It is
                                   Wha t really did happen in   already have a Bentley, so I'm   as if each country had an identi-
                                   London with the bombing of the   OK! I am surely not a super-mil-  cal passport and that's the
                                   Underground? Could you tell me   lionaire, but I can afford it.   Uniting Painting.
                                   your story? They are very
                                   pleased to give me their story   Q: So irons Ness' York the art-
                                                                                    Q: Have you already found
                                   because they know it. This is   work will travel. Will we get a   other museums, such as London
                                   how it is. First of all, I have the   chance of seeing it in Geneva?
                                                                                    and elsewhere?
                                   facts. Now, how to make it inter-
                                   esting, to make it "apetitlisch"   Well, I would like that very   Yes and no. All of them have a
                                   (as they say in German) for the   much. I have to find the right
                                                                                    budget problem. My painting is
                                   eyes, the brain and how to bribe   gallery, the right museum or the   physically very big, and it needs
                                   the reader with humour-that's   right institution that would like   space and a lot of other things.
                                   when the question of talent   to be part of the general idea of
                                                                                    We are just at the beginning now,
                                   comes in. Either you have it or   the Uniting Painting.   and I am very pleased at the
                                   you do not. I cannot explain why                 excitement that the idea has cre-
                                   you have it or do not-that I do not   If somebody would sponsor it in   ated. The next step, we will wait
                                   know.                   Geneva, I would like to donate   and see. I am at present working
                                                           my work and my time. If you can   on an extremely exciting idea,
                                   What is very important in my   find somebody ... that would be   but I am not going to talk about it
                                   profession as a political cartoon-  terrific!    right now as it's in an embryonic
                                   ist is stability. You cannot be                  state. If it works out, it will be
                                   moody. Every day you have to   Q: What is your commitment to   important enough news to have
                                   face your public. I have 103 mil-  the United Nations and other   other countries want to join.
                                   lion readers and they are used to   international organizations?
                                   trusting my judgment. I Cannot                   Q: Do you think that culture
                                   say: "Oh today, I'm in a bad   Absolutely nothing! Jam an indi-  and artistic creativity should
                                   mood. I'm cutting my ear-I can-  vidual who had an idea. I came to   have more emphasis and be
                                   not draw. I'm a little Van Gogh."   the UN and said: "Do you want   considered more important by
                                   No! You have to be very steady -   it? If you do, that's fine. Or if you   people?
                                   day after day, covering every   don't-no hard feelings".
                                   major subject in the world.                       I think that culture-graphic cul-
                                                           I'm a great believer in the United   ture and culture that has concrete
                                   Then, over the last two years, I   Nations. I think it is a very   ideas-should be given the same
                                   took a temporary vacation in   important institution, and I think   importance as fruit. Fruit is good
                                   order to carry out the Uniting   we need to have a government of   for the body, and this is fruit for
                                   Painting project. It is a complete-  governments. If we do not have   the soul...
                                   ly new form of art. The New   the police next to us, we would
                                   York Times gave me a half a   start robbing banks. The Police
                                   page and said: "From Uniting   of the World are the UN-the
                                   Painting we cannot explain the   moral police.
                                   philosophy behind it as it totally               1.14,10, Fo,e,anAff.,,S
                                   new." You can read about it on   Q: The UN is fit  cing a lot of
                                                           crises today, and despite this
                                   (     you remain a strong believer
                                                           in the values  of the Charter
                                   Q: What is your motivation   and international values as
                                   behind the Uniting Painting?   such?
                                   It is a new idea, a new form of   I believe in the ideas of the
                                   art. I enjoyed it very much. I   UN, and they should be car-
                                   made good money as a cartoon-  ried out correctly. I am not
                                   ist, and what I'm going to do with   necessarily approving of
                                   the money is to invest it in some-  everything that the bureaucra-
                                   thing. I took a chance by invest-  cy is doing. I believe Kofi
                                   ing something new in art and I   Annan is a very good man and
                                   feel very comfortable with it.   that his intentions are good,
                                   Some people buy a Bentley. I   but I also believe that there are

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