Page 43 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 43

Helping Expatriates get

                                                            off on the right foot
                R E L 0 C A T I 0 N S

              Relocating is about     nesses throughout the country.
              more than moving
                                      Offering relocation services is
              boxes and changing      •   -- . ortant to the expatriate's
              time zones. It's about   mployer, as well as for the
              starting over. It's     expatriate and his or her family.
              about finding a new     When relocating, the expatriate
                                      needs to find a new home, obtain
              home, new school,       the necessary paperwork and
              new friends and         ship personal effects to name
              learning to live in an   just a few challenges. Finding
                                      the right way of going about this
              unfamiliar environ-     is not always an easy thing to do
                                      when you don't know much
              Relocations under-      about the local community rules
              stands this and its     and regulations for example.
              entire service range is   Crown's experts are made up of
                                      people local to the community as
              aimed at one thing:
                                      well as expatriates, which
              making the expatri-     ensures that the expatriate will
              ates transfer as        receive the appropriate assis-
                                      tance from departure until
              smooth as possible.
                                      arrival, and even beyond that
                                      through ongoing support servic-
              "By offering our clients' a range   es.
              of relocation services in addition
              to our household goods & mov-  Offering the tools to
              ing services, we make sure that   build success in the
              the transferees will hit the   long run
              ground running when they arrive
              at their destination.  commented   The importance of the assistance
              Carol-Ane Pugh, Account
                                      Crown offers becomes even
              Manager at Crown Switzerland.   greater when you take into into
              "The assistance we provide goes
                                      account issues that extend
              far beyond the assistance a tra-  beyond these initial vital aspects,
              ditional moving company would   like the cultural challenges a   For example, taking into account   archies; and at developing con-
              offer The range  of  relocation                 the growing number of female   sensus in groups. In navigating
                                      newcomer faces upon his or her                  any new culture, these skills are
              services complements the tradi-  arrival in their new host country.   expatriate managers worldwide,
              tional moving services, and   By offering intercultural training   tailoring this service to the spe-  critical to success. Bringing
              helps transferees with all   Crown gives the expatriate the   cific needs of every transferee   them to the surface prepares
              arrangements that need to be   necessary tools to be successful   becomes even more important.   women to use them to their
              made when they are relocating   in their new environment on the   All transferees need a full course   advantage.
              abroad. Whether it concerns                     of country-specific information,
                                      long term.
              immigration issues, intercultural               training in culture and communi-  * Research also shows that
              training, or the search for a new               cation skills and preparation for   women are likely to be the rela-
                                      Rather than focusing on general
              home and a new school, Crown                    adjustment issues, regardless of   tionship tenders in their respec-
                                      knowledge of the new culture,
              Relocations will be able to assist   Crown's customized intercultur-  gender. But cross-cultural train-  tive families and workplaces.
              the transferee and the accompa-  al services help transferees and   ers need to take into account the   Highlighting common family
              nying family. This is Crown's   their families identify local   way a woman's overseas experi-  reactions, role changes and rela-
              way of ensuring that the transi-  behaviors, understand communi-  ence differs from a man's in   tionship tensions before they
              tion is made as easy as possible,               order to contribute fully to the   happen can prepare women to
                                      cation styles, explore coping
              and that the transferee is a pro-  mechanisms and learn adapta-  success of the woman's assign-  foresee and deal with them
              ductive employee as soon as                     ment. Research strongly sup-  effectively.
                                      tion skills.
              possible after his or her                       ports the necessity of under-
              arrival.", Ms Pugh continued.                   standing gender issues in inter-  * Finally, research on female
                                      All transferees need these tools
                                                              national moves.         expatriate managers shows that
                                      to become a successful member
              Crown is capable of offering   of their new professional envi-          they tend to be successful,
              these services throughout the   ronment. This does not mean   What Women Want   despite dire predictions that gen-
              world, thanks to its network of                                         der discrimination will interfere
                                      however, that they are the same
              over 100 wholly-owned offices                   * Psychological research shows   with their ability to work effec-
                                      for every expatriate. Crown rec-
              spread over more than 40 coun-                  that, compared to men, women   tively in a new country. An
                                      ognizes this, and makes sure that
              tries, including 3 offices in                   tend to be especially good at   explanation for this is that in
                                      the intercultural training it offers
              Switzerland. Crown serves                       non-verbal communication; at   some cultures, nationality and
                                      is tailor-made to the individual.
              Swiss and international busi-                   understanding subtle power hier-   job status trump gender.
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