Page 44 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 44

Group Vice President Training,
                                                                                    transferred from London, UK to
                                                                                     Los Angeles, USA
                                                                                     I  faced challenges, not as a
                                                                                    female, but as a mother and
                                                                                     wife - taking into account [relo-
                                                                                    cation issues facing] the whole
                                                                                    family at the same time. It is
                                                                                     very diffi cult,   when coordinat-
                                                                                     ing the timing of  transfers, to
                                                                                    suit your spouse's job and chil-
                                                                                     dren's schooling. It would help
                                                                                     if more people accepted that the
                                                                                     woman can be the transferee
                                                                                     and that you are not just in the
                                                                                     host country because  of  your
                                                                                     husband's work. Most people
                                                                                    you meet give their business
                                                                                     cards to your husband, which
                                                                                     can be frustrating.
                                                                                     - Kathy Scalabre
                                                                                     Country Manager, moved from
                                                                                     Milano, Italy to Seoul, Korea

                                                                                     I Can't recall any issue I've had
                                                                                     in relocating that has related
                                                                                     directly to my gender Except,
                                                                                     perhaps, for the assumption that
                                                                                     all women expats are accompa-
                                  Preparing for how gender dis-  somewhere to live, starting a new   1fl'ing spouses, making some of
                                                                                     the services not entirely appro-
                                  crimination might - and might   job and getting to know people,
                                  not - occur can get women trans-  even figuring out where to buy   priate [or more diffi cult to par-
                                  ferees off on the right foot.   things. Because I had to work and   ticipate in]. For example, what
                                                         travel so much, it was really a   good is a coffee morning to me
                                                                                     when I'm stuck in the office with
                                  Female Transferees Talk   challenge. Being a woman in a
                                                         male-dominated industry moving   the boys? But I don't feel that I
                                  Crown's own expatriate women                       have missed out on an
                                  share their experiences and sug-  to the US culture, which seemed to   male colleagues have enjoyed.
                                  gestions               have a slightly different attitude
                                                         towards  professional   women, pro-  - Laurie Hibbert
                                                                                     Regional Human Resources
                                  My difficulties stemmed from   vided some challenges. If anyone   Manager, transferred from
                                  being a single transferee more   else asks me if I have transferred   Hong Kong to Rotterdam, the
                                                         with my husband's job, or where is
                                  than from being a female trans-                    Netherlands
                                  feree. There was not enough time   he anyway - I'll scream.
                                                         - Norah Franchetti
                                  to get everything done -finding

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