Page 39 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 39

Geneva and the Alps: Horace-Bénédict de Saussure

                                                                                      Blanc whose summit he rea-
               n the season of avalanches                                             ched on 3 August 1787.
                                                                                      There he tested the boiling
              in the Alps and elsewhere,
                                                                                      point of water, the tempera-
              with its escalating toll of                                             ture of the snow and the
              human tragedy and death, the
                                                                                      pulse of his guides. With a
              work of Horace-Bénédict de
                                                                                      considerable amount of
              Saussure, Swiss physicist,
                                                                                      scientific equipment in addi-
              geologist, meteorologist, and                                           tion to sustenance for him-
              early Alpine explorer comes
                                                                                      self and his caravan of eigh-
              to the fore. He is described
                                                                                      teen guides, he did not travel
              as the most renowned                                                    light. As well as tents and
              Genevese scholar of the
                                                                                      material, his list of apparel is
              eighteenth century, and the
                                                                                      precisely detailed and leng-
              'founder of climbing'. More
                                                                                      thy, and his experiments
              than 200 years after his death
                                                                                      were manifold.
              he is also the subject of a
              new publication by author
                                                                                      Legacy and sport
              Albert V. Carozzi, professor
              in geology at the University                                            Horace-Bénédict Saussure
              of Illinois, USA (edition
                                                                                      died at his home in Conches,
              Slatkine, Geneva).                                                      Geneva, on 22 January 1799
                                      Reformation. As a bourgoise   scientific instruments which   at the age of 59. With other
                                      family, the name quickly
              Saussure 	                                      carry his name. They include   notables, he is buried in the
              Germany, Italy and England,   spread in Geneva and   a mineral known as
              wrote extensively and is   abroad. Its most famous sons   Saussurite, and measure-  Cemetery of Plainpalais, Rue
                                                                                      des Rois, Geneva. In addi-
              famous for his monumental   were inventor and pioneer   ments of atmospheric humi-  tion to being remembered in
                                                              dity, thermometer, anemo-
              four-volumes on Voyages   Horace-B énédict 	                            Chamonix, there is a comme-
              dans Les Alpes (1779-96). A   1799) and Ferdinand (1857-  meter, hair hygrometer and
                                                                                      morative plaque at the place
              pioneer in the study of mine-  1913).           probably the first electrome-  of his former home now
              ralogy, botany, geology and                     ter.
                                      Born in Conches, near
              meteorology, 	                                                          named rue de Saussure. He is
                                                                                      also remembered with a per-
              Travels in the Alps is prece-  Geneva, on 17 February   Chamonix and Mont Blanc
                                                                                      manent exhibition at the
              ded by an essay on the natu-  1740 Horace-Bénédict ente-                History of Science Museum,
              ral history of the Geneva   red the public school at six   The name Saussure is syno-  and the College de Saussure,
              region, a work recognised as   years old. In 1754 he conti-  nymously linked to the
                                                                                      in Geneva.
              laying the foundations of   nued education in the   exploration and conquest of
              modem geology and introdu-  Academy (University) of   Mont Blanc that made the
              cing the word geology into   Geneva. In 1759, aged nine-  town of Chamonix famous   His experiments and achie-
                                                                                      vements in the Alps are said
              the scientific nomenclature.   teen, he completed his study   the world over.   to have launched mountai-
                                      at the Academy presenting                       neering in the contemporary
              From 1768 Horace-Bénédict   one Dissertatio physica of   "I couldn't believe my eyes;   sporting sense. Cemeteries
              Saussure began his geologi-  igne. In 1762 he became   it seemed to be a dream   bear witness to the demise of
              cal journeys when he crossed   professor of philosophy and   when, at my feet, I saw those
                                                                                      climbers who, in the foot-
              the highest mountain range   natural sciences at the   majestic summits, those awe-
                                                                                      steps of Horace-Bénédict
              in Europe on fourteen occa-  Academy in Geneva (and   some peaks .....said by   Saussure, came from coun-
              sions by several routes. The   rector 1774-1775), where he   Saussure on his first visit to   tries and continents in pur-
              range of the Alps extends   founded the Societe pour   Chamonix in 1760. He was   suit of the Alpine sport,
              some 800 km (497 miles) in   1'Avancement des Arts. In   determined he would climb
                                                                                      many of whom stayed for
              an arc roughly East-West   1765 he married Albertine   to the top or be responsible   eternity.
              through France, Switzerland,   Boissier who is known to   for its being climbed.
              Italy and Austria, and rises to   have expressed displeasure   Saussure offered prize   ITA MARGUET
              4,807 (15,771 feet) at Mont   at her husband's frequent and   money for the first ascent of
              Blanc near the west end.   protracted absences in his   Mont Blanc. It was claimed   Note: All sources of informa-
                                      professional and scientific   twenty-five years later in   tion used are acknowledged
                                                                                      in the preparation of this
              Profile in brief        pursuits.               1786 by a Chamonix doctor,
                                                              Michel-Gabriel Paccard and
              Originally from Lorraine in   Horace-Bénédict Saussure is   his porter, Jacques Balmat.
              France, the Saussures came   associated with many other
              to Switzerland seeking refu-  inventions or improvements   It culminated in Saussure's
              ge during the Calvin    in a wide range of fields and   own ascent of the Mont
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