Page 53 - Dedication
P. 53

MC: are the initials of the person who types the letter; Maria Collins.
005: shows the letter's filing number.

   gg- Internal address:

   It is usually consists of the following items of the recipient:
    The company's name.
    The recipient's name and title in the company.
    The company's address (street, building).
    City and postcode.
    The country's name.

   hh- Attention line:

   Attention line is typed two spaces under the address for
making sure that the letter has been received by the targeted
person, for instance:

    Attention: Mr. Andrew Smith.
    Attn.: Mr. Andrew Smith.

   ii- The Letter's date:

   There are two different styles for writing a date:
    British Style: (Day + Month + Year) e.g. 19th January,


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