Page 54 - Dedication
P. 54

 American Style: (Month + Day + Year) e.g. January 19th,

jj- Salutation:

 The salutation is utilised as indicated:
 If the letter is addressed to a certain person of a company,

   such as: Personnel Manager, Marketing Manager,
   Ticketing and Reservation Manager, you can adopt one of
   the following styles:
- British Style: Dear Sir – Dear Madam – Dear Sir/Madam.
- American Style: Dear Sir – Dear Gentleman – Dear
 If the letter is addressed to a person whose name is known,
   you can write for instance Dear Mr. Smith – Dear Ms.

kk- Subject line:

   The subject line is typed under the salutation line. It is
utilised as an easy way to pay the reader's attention to know
the letter's content.

   The subject line can be mentioned by writing either
'Subject' or 'Re' + the topic that will be discussed, as
indicated in the following examples:

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