Page 188 - tourism 2nd term 2021- 2022
P. 188
fib [n.] a lie of minor importance; [v.] to tell a lie of little importance
I told Priscilla a fib; I said I had a headache when the truth is I just wasn't
interested in going to the lecture with her.
Tomorrow was his girlfriend's birthday and the young man was having a difficult time
deciding on a present for her. She already had more clothes than she knew what to do with , so
he couldn't get any kind of apparel. She never ate sweets so candy was out of the question. What
then? He had a very special reason for wanting to impress her with just the right gift; tomorrow
he was going to propose to her.
He finally decided on perfume. All girls liked perfume. That raised another problem,
however. What kind did she prefer? He couldn't ask her, because that would ruin the surprise.
At last the young man hit on an idea. That afternoon, under the guise of taking his
girlfriend's fox terrier, frits, for a walk, he went to his girl's house and got the little dog.
Together, the young man and the dog went directly to the perfume counter of the town's
biggest department store. Good! There was a large array of perfume. He beckoned a clerk,
instructing her to open a large number of bottles and wave the stoppers under the dog's nose.
Nestled in the young man's arms, the terrier began to be restless and bored as this seemingly
pointless game went on. Then Fritz suddenly became frisky, wiggling in the young man's arms
and barking excitedly, as the clerk waved one stopper under his nose.
"I'll take that one," said the young man to the clerk. The price was exorbitant; but it was
worth it.
"My favorite perfume!" said the delighted girl the next evening as she unwrapped the
package. "How did you know?" she asked, dabbing some perfume behind each ear.
"Intuition, I guess," said the young man, deciding that it wasn't exactly wrong to tell a fib
under the circumstances. One day, after they were married, he would confess that his intuition
had really been a little dog named Fritz.
Find the word or expression in column B that has a meaning similar to a word in column
1 fib -------------- a lively and playful