Page 31 - verbo italiano
P. 31

Verb Usage Review  /  21

                        •  To tell what time, day, or month it was in the past (never the present

                          Erano le 2 quando arrivammo.    It was 2 o’clock when we arrived.

                      See page 52 for the use of imperfect with the verbs volere, dovere, and potere.
                      The Italian imperfect tense accompanied by the preposition da + “a time expres-
                      sion” corresponds to the English past perfect tense (“I had worked,” “I had been
                      working for/since” + time expression). It expresses how long (or since when) an
                      action had been going on. The construction is: imperfect + da + time expression to
                      express length of time.
                          Lavoravano alla Fiat da dieci anni.  They had been working at Fiat for ten

                      Forming the imperfect

                      The imperfect tense is formed by dropping the infinitive ending –are, -ere, or -ire
                      and adding the appropriate ending, as shown in Table 8, to the remaining stem.
                      The ending is different for each person.

                      Table 8  Imperfect Regular Forms
                      Drop           –are          –ere            –ire
                      (io)           –avo          –evo            –ivo
                      (tu)           –avi          –evi            –ivi
                      (lui/lei/Lei)  –ava          –eva            –iva
                      (noi)          –avamo        –evamo          –ivamo
                      (voi)          –avate        –evate          –ivate
                      (loro)         –avano        –evano          –ivano

                      For example:
                          parlare: parlavo, parlavi, parlava, parlavamo, parlavate, parlavano
                          vivere: vivevo, vivevi, viveva, vivevamo, vivevate, vivevano
                          dormire: dormivo, dormivi, dormiva, dormivamo, dormivate, dormivano
                          capire: capivo, capivi, capiva, capivamo, capivate, capivano

                      Note the following about the imperfect tense:
                        •  The endings are the same for all conjugations. The only difference is the
                          characteristic vowel that each conjugation maintains (–are, –ere, –ire).
                        •  The verbs ending in –ire do not fall into two groups as for the present tense
                          (dormo, capisco).
                        •  The main stress falls on the second syllable from the end—for example,
                          faCEvo, eraVAmo, beVEvi. The loro form has the stress on the third vowel
                          from the end—for example, faCEvano, Erano, beVEvano.
                      Compared to the the present tense, the imperfect is a more regular tense. Only a
                      few verbs are irregular in this tense. The verb essere is irregular:
                          essere: ero, eri, era, eravamo, eravate, erano
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