Page 24 - Study-Skills-Pamphlets-sample
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Take Responsibility for Yourself                                                                  College Prep Timeline - Getting ready for college begins early - here’s a summary of things to be
      One of the biggest challenges college freshman face is the change from a relatively controlled living and   doing each year. Check with your counselor for specific timelines as you get closer to graduation.
      learning environment to one with great freedom. Are you prepared for the change? Here are some things you   ✦   At School and Home  ✦   Investigating Careers, Majors, and Colleges   ✦   Getting Ready for College
      can do now in high school to be ready to make the adjustment.
                                                                                                        Freshman Year                                    Sophomore Year
      Take Responsibility For Your Own Education        Work To Be More Independent
                                                                                                        ✦   Meet with a counselor to review your          ✦   Prepare for standardized testing  by taking the
         ƒ  Set goals for yourself and plan ways to achieve     ƒ  Learn to do your own laundry             schedule                                          PSAT (you can take this in your Junior year too)
          them- academic, personal, spiritual, social      ƒ  Learn to make your own meals              ✦   Maintain good grades                          ✦   Take honor-level classes
         ƒ  Remember good grades are only part of the goal.     ƒ  Plan for plenty of sleep and make it happen  ✦   Develop good study habits             ✦   Visit college fairs and get information
          Learn the material - build your knowledge and                                                 ✦   Consider taking AP and honors classes             on colleges that interest you
          experience.                                      ƒ  Manage your own money                     ✦   Research careers and jobs                     ✦   Make sure you know the entrance requirements

         ƒ  Plan time for completing homework and projects    ƒ  Balance family commitments with your school   ✦   Start thinking about possible colleges     (math, foreign languages) for colleges
         ƒ  Track your own grades, ask for help if you need it  and personal time                       ✦   Get involved in extra-curricular activities   ✦   Continue extracurricular activities and communi-
         ƒ  Make schoolwork a priority over friends, relaxation     ƒ  Get a part-time job and you’ll learn about   and volunteer                             ty service
                                                            commitment and time management
          time, and part-time jobs. If you can’t do it now, you                                         ✦   Start creating a career portfolio high-       ✦   Meet with your school counselor to make sure you
          won’t do it in college.                          ƒ  Sign up for an internship or co-op where you   lighting your special skills and talents         are on track for taking the right classes
                                                            can learn job skills                        ✦   Begin saving projects and work samples        ✦   Maintain good grades and good study habits
      Get Involved!                                                                                         for your career portfolio                     ✦   Add to your career portfolio highlighting your
                                                        Remember, You’re Part of a Team
         ƒ  Join clubs, sports, music and the arts - find out                                                                                                 skills and talents
          what you enjoy doing                             ƒ  Respect family, teachers, coaches, counselors,   Junior Year                                Senior Year

         ƒ  Volunteer! You can gain skills and experience while   mentors, and friends                                                                        Retake the ACT or SAT tests if you’re
          giving back.                                     ƒ  There are many people out there who want to   ✦   Start preparing for and taking the        ✦
                                                            see you succeed, ask for help.                  standardized tests - PSAT, SAT, ACT               not happy with your score
                                                                                                        ✦   Continue taking challenging courses           ✦   Review your schedule with your counselor, make
      Paying for College - It’s Expensive, But It’s An Investment in Your Future                        ✦   Grades matter - the transcript (list of grades)   sure you are on track to graduate and meet college
      Most students receive some form of financial aid to attend college, and getting financial aid is      you submit to colleges include all your classes   admission requirements
      competitive. There is a formula for awarding financial aid based on your grades, involvement in       taken in the 9-11th grades                    ✦   Keep maintaining good grades
      activities, academic readiness, and your ability to pay.                                          ✦   Take a leadership roles in your activities    ✦   Stay active in extracurricular activities and volun-
                                                                                                                                                              teer - take a leadership role
      Financial aid comes in all shapes and sizes. You can apply for scholarships and awards            ✦   Get serious about deciding which colleges inter-  ✦   Ask for personal references
      (money you don’t have to pay back), work study programs, low-interest student loans                   est you - do research, find out costs, degrees,   ✦   Begin your college essays and apply for admission
                                                                                                            campus life, etc.
      you pay back after you graduate, or personal loans. Most students apply for low-cost federal                                                            to the colleges you’ve selected
      loans, but you can also receive financial aid from the college, state, or private sources.        ✦   Visit colleges you’d like to attend
                                                                                                        ✦   Write practice applications and essays        ✦   Complete the FAFSA form in January and find out if
      You will need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form to determine   ✦   Do you need recommendations for college en-      you qualify for financial aid
      if you qualify. You fill this form out in January of your senior year. Funds are often awarded on     trance? Start thinking about which teachers or   ✦   Use your career portfolio to highlight your
      a first-come basis, so it’s a good idea to fill it out as soon as possible. This form helps lenders   counselors to ask, pre-draft letters              qualifications to college admissions boards
      determine your family’s financial situation and how much they can pay towards college, and        ✦   Think about getting a summer job, internship or   ✦   Send transcripts to the schools where you applied
      how much aid you can receive. Check with your guidance counselor or look online for more              co-op to gain experience                      ✦   Visit colleges that have invited you to enroll and
      information on FAFSA.                                                                             ✦   Keep adding to your career portfolio              make your final decision
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