Page 29 - Study-Skills-Pamphlets-sample
P. 29

Writing a Good Blog Post                                                    ood communication begins with structure.
        Take Action!                                          You want people to                                                      GHow you organize your communication
                                                                                                                                       is fundamental to how easily it is absorbed
                                                              read your blog and                                                       and understood by your audience. Every good    Study Skills
     Exercise: Business Writing                               share it with others.                                                    communication  should  have these  three       No. 5

     Your boss called: a service contractor will be arriving tomor-  Here are some ways                                                structural elements:
                                                              to make your blog
     row to install new phones in the building from 8 am to noon.    posts memorable!                                                     ƒ  an opening
     It is possible the internet may be interrupted. The job should                                                                       ƒ  a body
     take 6 hours. Notify your coworkers about these details.      ƒ Understand                                                           ƒ  a close
                                                                  your audience. Make sure you are
        ƒ  Write an e-mail                                        giving them information they are      This structural rule holds true no matter what your communication is – a memo,

        ƒ  Write a text message                                   interested in and need.               a phone call, a voice mail message, a personal presentation, a speech, an e-mail,
        ƒ  Write a handwritten note for the person who follows you     ƒ Pick a title that attracts attention   a web page, or a multi-media presentation. Remember, your communication’s
                                                                                                        audience can be just one person, a small team, an auditorium full of people or a
        on the next shift.                                        and helps you focus the topic.        national, even global, group of millions. In this instance size doesn’t matter, the
                                                                  Your title should include keywords
     Get to the Point!                                            that will attract readers to your     rules remain the same.

     There are many words that can be deleted without             blog. Keep it under 65 characters
     changing a sentence’s intended meaning. Get rid              if possible.                           Get Organized
     of extra words you don’t need.   Don’t forget to            ƒ Write an intro that grabs their                                                                                        For All Media  Writing Skills

        ƒ  due to the fact that = because  Spell-Check!           attention.                             Opening
        ƒ  in order to = to                                      ƒ Make sure your content is                ƒ  Make it short, sharp, and to the point – The person is saying “Should I bother

        ƒ  future outlook = future or outlook                     organized. Break it into sections         reading this?”
     Additional words that can often be deleted:                  and create an outline.                    ƒ  If you are sending an e-mail, make sure the subject line reflects the content.
        ƒ  the                       ƒ  still                    ƒ Edit and proof.                       Body

        ƒ  that                      ƒ  located                  ƒ Add an image or picture. Make            ƒ  The key points of your message– communicate:
                                                                  sure you add tags so the reader
        ƒ  now, well, so, also       ƒ  of, to, and               knows the main area of your blog.            •  facts and figures and details

        ƒ  seem                                                                                                •  action you want the recipient to take after receiving your message.
                                                                                                            ƒ  Don’t bog down your audience with irrelevant material or confusing charts.

                                                                                                            ƒ  Keep it simple.
                                                               Additional Resources:                     Close
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC
                                All Rights Reserved.            Creating Your Career Portfolio: At-        ƒ  Sum up your communication.
                                    A-Glance Guide for Students               ƒ  Remind your audience of your key points.
                                                                Career Transitions Workbook
                                                                                                            ƒ  Leave them with a clear understanding of what you want them to do next.
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