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Take Action!                                                                                                                  ocial media is becoming an important

                                                                                                                                     Stool in finding a job and managing your        Study Skills
        Exercise: Cleaning Up Your Social Media Profile                                                                              career. Over  80% of hiring managers            Series

        Go to and do a search on yourself to see what comes up. Then answer the following                                 today are using social media as part            No. 8
        questions using this scale:   5- I do this consistently 4- Most of the time  3- Sometimes  2- Rarely                          of the decision-making process when
        1- Never.  Then make a list of things you need to do to clean up your social media presence.                                  hiring new employees. LinkedIn™ and
                                                                                                                                    Facebook™ are being used to connect people

                 Social Media             Rating                                        Rating                                   professionally, building a network of business
                                       ++  +  +/-   -   --                          ++  +  +/-   -   --                       contacts who can document your skills and

         Social Media:                5    4     3     2     1                     5    4     3     2     1  credentials, and recommend you for employment. Employers are using
         I have items on my Facebook™ page   5    4     3     2     1  I have inappropriate tweets or posts on   5    4     3     2     1  social media sites to find applicants for positions and promote their
         that an employer might question.            other people’s pages.                                companies. They are also searching the Internet to find out more about
         I have posted pictures that are   5    4     3     2     1  I have talked about drugs, alcohol and   5    4     3     2     1  you, their potential employee. It’s time to Google yourself and make sure
         unprofessional                              guns online.
         I have separate public and private   5    4     3     2     1  There are pictures of me online I don’t   5    4     3     2     1  you are sending the right message about yourself and your career!
         pages in Facebook™                          want an employer to see.
         I keep my Facebook™ page current  5    4     3     2     1  I have a clean social presence.  5    4     3     2     1
         I know the privacy settings in my   5    4     3     2     1  I have a current LinkedIn™ account.  5    4     3     2     1  Get Organized          93% of hiring              and Your Career  Social Media
         Facebook™ site.
         I know how to remove items from my   5    4     3     2     1  I have multiple social media sites  that   5    4     3     2     1                  managers review
         site and other sites.                       I keep updated.                                                                                         a candidate’s
         My Social Media Clean-up List                                                                   Maintain a Professional Presence                    social profile
                                                                                                            ƒ  Set up multiple accounts to keep business     before making a
                                                                                                            and pleasure separate. Create a LinkedIn™        hiring decision.
                                                                                                            account to set up a professional profile. Use
                                                                                                            your Facebook™ site for personal use.            55% have

                                                                                                            ƒ  Set up separate lists of work and friends, then   reconsidered
                                                                                                            go to settings/privacy/profile and choose what   people based on
                                                                                                            each group gets to see.                          findings, 61%

                                                                                                            ƒ  Be secure. Make sure other people don’t have   being negative.
                                                                                                            access to your accounts.
                                                               Additional Resources:
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC                                                      ƒ  Protect your identity. Don’t reveal key
                                All Rights Reserved.            Creating Your Career Portfolio: At-
                                    A-Glance Guide for Students               information such as addresses, phone
                                                                Career Transitions Workbook                numbers, and full birth dates.
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