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ou’ve made it to college... Congrats! You’re on
        Take Action!                                                                                                                Yyour way to experiencing new things and getting
                                                                                                                                      your career going. Whether you are excited by the   Study Skills
                                                                                                                                      possibilities or terrified by the thought of doing   Series
                                                                                                                                      your own laundry for the first time, your first year   No. 6
       Freshman Timeline - Keep on track with academics, explore careers, and get                                                      of college is a time of big adjustments. Here are
       connected!  Balancing the three is the secret to succeeding in college.                                                        the tips and tricks that have helped other freshman
               ✦   Academics         ✦   Explore Careers and Track My Skills    ✦   Get a Life!                                      get through the challenges of that first year and
      1st Semester                                     2nd Semester                                                                 kept them coming back to finish their degrees.

      ✦   Attend class every day!                      ✦   Attend class every day!
      ✦   Track your assignments, test dates,          ✦   Track your due dates in a planner           Get Organized
          and project due dates in a planner           ✦   Join a study group and find a good place to
      ✦   Develop good study habits                        study. Get a tutor or extra help if needed
      ✦   Keep track of your grades for each class and   ✦   Track your grades                         You’re Not The Big Senior Anymore                    Over 1 in 3
          talk to the teacher if you are behind        ✦   Meet with your school advisor to make sure
      ✦   Join a student organization related to your      you are on track for taking the right classes  As a freshman on campus, you are the newbie...    college freshmen
          field of study                               ✦   Add to your career portfolio highlighting your   Classes are Tougher                             don’t come
      ✦   Take an intro class for your major or a          skills and talents                          ✦   They meet fewer times a week and you are         back for their               In College  Landing on Your Feet
          freshman orientation class                   ✦   Track skills you are developing outside of      responsible for staying on track of reading,     sophomore year.
      ✦   Begin saving projects and work samples for       class                                           projects, and materials.
          your career portfolio                        ✦   Track your spending - review your budget and   ✦   Expect to have 2-3 hours of homework for each     ƒ Going forward with
      ✦   Set a budget for food, expenses, entertain-      food account each week                          hour of classroom time- it takes discipline
          ment, etc. and review it each week           ✦   Review your habits with the exercise on page   ✦   Class sizes are much bigger, so don’t expect    a plan.

      ✦   Track your money and food allocation             3 and shift your activities as needed.          individual attention from the instructor           ƒ Having realistic
      ✦   Get involved in a campus organization or     ✦   Continue any extracurricular activities     ✦   You’ll be taking a lot of general pre-requisite    expectations.
          social group                                 ✦   Plan your living arrangements for next year     courses the first year. You may only get one
      ✦   Make time to meet new people and make        ✦   Plan your summer schedule - will you go         introductory course in your field of study.        ƒ Taking
          friends.                                         home,  get a job, or stay and take summer   Social Changes                                         responsibility for
                      Use your calendar to                 school classes?                             ✦   You’ll be on your own, away from parents, friends,   your own success.
                        track project due                                                                  mentors, and you’ll be in charge of yourself
                          dates and tests!                                                             ✦   Peer pressures and new social situations may be   These are the keys to

                                                               Additional Resources:                       uncomfortable                                   being college ready.
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC                                                 ✦   You have to be able to manage your time- study,
                                All Rights Reserved.            Creating Your Career Portfolio: At-       attend class, socialize, eat, sleep, etc...
                                    A-Glance Guide for Students          ✦   Students who get involved on campus in activities,
                                                                Career Transitions Workbook               clubs, and organizations tend to stay connected and
                                                                                                           finish their degree.
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