Page 18 - WF-activity example
P. 18

Activity: Slide 6- Skills You Use on the Job (30 min)

               Slide 6– Skills You Use on the Job

                             ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC

               Use this form to expand each individual’s list of skills started in Pamphlet 01- Getting a Job.
               This activity can be found on the Instructor’s Manual CD – in the Worksheets directory.
                                       Worksheets/ 02- Skills You Use on Your Job.pdf
                                  For Evaluation Only
               Complete the worksheet on Skills You Use on Your Job/Education/Training/Other Areas.
                   1.)  List your skills in column 1.
                   2.)  List examples in column 2.
                   3.)  Find job descriptions for the jobs you have done, and see if there are additional skills
                       you missed. List the skills missed in column 3. You can access job descriptions and the
                       knowledge, skills, and abilities, (KSAs) and job activities for hundreds of jobs at

               Teaching Tip: Consider assigning this activity as homework and making more copies of the
               sheet so they can expand their list of skills.

               Taking Control of Your Skills             Workforce Preparation Series - Instructor’s Manual     45
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