Page 13 - WF-activity example
P. 13
Slide 3– Identifying Your KSAs (10 minutes)
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For Evaluation Only
Group discussion:
Your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) are all the things you know and can do. Knowing
how it all fits together helps to build a competency. The purpose of education and gaining
experience is all about building your knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Knowledge comes from education, training, or experience.
You can take a class
You watch someone do something
You read about it.
Skill is the ability to perform a task
It could be riding a bike
Driving a forklift
Surfing the Internet
Performing surgery
Making a speech
Managing a team.
Ability is something you have that helps you perform the task.
The physical strength to lift boxes
The coordination to ride a bike
Being able to read and write
Being able to pay attention
Being able to do math to give back change.
40 Workforce Preparation Series - Instructor’s Manual Taking Control of Your Skills ©201