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Hard Skills Transferable Skills Identifying Transferable Skills - Exercise
Where do you look for transferable skills? Start with the activities you do on
Technical skills or hard skills are physical Transferable skills are skills that you can take from your own personal time, hobbies, extra-curricular activities, community service,
things you can do or special knowledge you one area or job and use in another. If you have good
have to do a task or solve a problem. Being management skills, you can become a manager in a professional memberships, and jobs you’ve had that don’t seem to relate to
able to ride a bike, drive a car, or calculate bank or a manager in a retail shop. You use many of your career. Fill out the chart below, identifying the skill, the type of skill, the
sales tax are all hard skills. If you are doctor, the same skills, just in a different setting. You can number of hours of experience in this skill, your current skill level of
knowing how to perform a specific surgery, take the skill of being good with people and use it in Awareness, Practicing, or Mastery, and how it can help you in your career.
prescribe medication, or identify symptoms of health care, social services, retail, or other jobs. Type: Hours of Skill Level
a disease are all technical skills. Skill Soft/Hard Experience A/P/M How it will help me in my career
Transferable skills can come from:
different jobs
Soft Skills activities you do on your own personal time
Soft skills are character traits that
show how well you interact with volunteering and community service
other people. They are known as hobbies
workplace skills or people skills. memberships
Soft skills are often harder to identify than jobs that you hold that don’t seem to relate to ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
technical skills, and judging how well someone your career.
can do the skill varies based on the person The common skills you have in one job may be a
measuring performance. rare talent, a valuable skill that sets you apart, For Evaluation Only
in another. Transferable skills can be hard or soft
Employers value individuals with excellent soft skills.
skills, because just having the knowledge and
technical skill to do the job isn’t enough. You How Skilled Are You?
have to be able to function well with others, Any coach will tell you that practice and repetition
communicate effectively, work on a team, plan, are the ways to grow and refine skills. Knowing
organize, manage your time, etc. your level of skill in a specific area can help you
find a job or justify a raise or promotion. Here’s a
The Top Six Soft Skills way to measure your skill level:
Communication Awareness– Knows what the skill is, and has
Enthusiasm and attitude completed the task at least once. Know Your Skills
Teamwork Practicing– Is able to follow a guide to complete Your skills are marketable and valuable. You need to identify what skills you have and
Networking a task. how you can use them to advance your career.
Problem solving and critical thinking Mastery– Is able to consistently perform the task
Professionalism without effort.