Page 6 - WF-activity example
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                                                       # 2– TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR SKILLS

               Pamphlet Overview                                       SUMMARY OF OUTCOMES

               The second pamphlet in this series focuses on           Component Description:
               understanding individual skills and abilities as they   Completion of Workforce Pamphlet #2–
               relate to employer needs. Types of skills are explored,   Taking Control of Your Skills
               and a list of personal skills is created. This pamphlet
               serves as the foundation for skill development             Identify skills and experiences the
               presented in the additional job readiness pamphlets         individual has that can be used in a job
               in the series.
                             ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
                                                                          Identify different types of jobs and
                                                                           experiences that can build job skills for
                  Discuss technical, soft, and transferable skills        specific careers
                  Analyze knowledge, skills, and abilities, (KSAs)       Career SWOT analysis
                  Recognize skills gained from previous experiences
                   that can transfer to new experiences                2 hours of instruction
                                  For Evaluation Only
                  Understand how personal skills relate to
                   employer needs                                      Client’s File:
                  Compare job requirements to their current skills     Assessment 2

                  Help identify strengths, weaknesses,                 Client Skill List
                   opportunities, and challenges to the job search      Personal SWOT Analysis
                                                                        Skills You Can Use Worksheet
                  Introduce career portfolios

               Activities in this Module:
               Pamphlet Activities:
                      Read the Workforce Preparation Pamphlet – Taking Control of Your Skills
                      Identifying Transferable Skills activity
                      Building Your Skills activity

               IM Activities:
                      Skills Employers Want to See - worksheet
                      Skills You Can Use on the Job/Education/Training/Other Areas - worksheet
                      Personal SWOT Analysis worksheet

               Taking Control of Your Skills             Workforce Preparation Series - Instructor’s Manual     33
                                            ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
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