Page 22 - WF-Pamphlets-sample
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Making it Count!                              Orientation                                                                          our first day at work will include a lot

                                                      Most companies have an orientation for new                                        Yof paperwork and information about          Workforce
                                                      employees. This is a meeting to teach you the job                                 company rules. If the company is a large one,   Job Skills
     ƒ How will this job help you advance to the next
         level in your career? Keep track of what you   tasks and rules. The orientation is also a legal                                you may have a formal training program on    No. 6
         are learning and figure out how those new    agreement between you and the company. When                                       the first day.  There may be speakers and
         skills could be used in different jobs.      you complete the orientation, you are expected to                                 trainers there to show you how the company
                                                      show up for work. The following tips can help you                                 works.  Some of the topics may include:
     ƒ Do your best. When you are at your job, stay   be ready for the orientation.
         focused on your job. Don’t let personal issues                                                                                  ƒ Employee handbook of rules
         distract you. Employers will notice your good  ƒ Listen carefully and restate information to   Show Pride in Yourself           ƒ Work schedule
                                                                                                                             ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
         attitude.                                        understand correctly.                         ƒ Arrive on time by being 15     ƒ Break schedule/meal times
                                                      ƒ Bring a notebook and pen to write down              minutes early                ƒ Company goals
        Direct Deposit                                    names, departments, and other important       ƒ Be dressed in your work

        Many employers request you use direct deposit,    information.                                      uniform or know your size in  ƒ Pay schedule
        where your pay is automatically deposited into   ƒ Ask a question if you need to so you will do     case it will be ordered      ƒ Evaluations
        your checking account on payday. You receive a    things the right way.                                                          ƒ Hours of operation.
        check stub showing your pay and benefits, but                                                   ƒ Be neat, clean, and well-
        you will not receive a physical check. Employers   ƒ Don’t make comments and wait to learn how      groomed.                                                                             Beginning A New Job
        will have a direct deposit form for you to        the politics work before you speak.
        complete. To sign up for direct deposit:      ƒ Be busy at work if you are left alone by        The Employer’s View                         Bring These With You
                                                                                                                                                        to Orientation:
        ƒ   Bring a blank check for the account where     reading the job                                                        For Evaluation Only
            your check will be deposited                  handbook or asking                                                                        Photo identification
        ƒ   Bring bank account number and routing         another worker about                            What does my employer look for from          -Driver’s license or
            information on savings and checking           their job.                                      me on the first day?                          valid passport
            account information.
                                                      ƒ Don’t be the first to                             8  My ability to listen and pay attention    -Valid state or
        Routing numbers are found on the bottom           walk out the door and                                                                         federal ID card or
        of checks or deposit slips. If you have any       be ready to stay late if                        8  Good communication skills                  insurance card
        questions, ask the staff for help.                                                                8  How I get along with others
                                                          needed.                                                                                   Social Security card or
                                                                                                          8  An attitude that says I want to do       birth certificate
                                                                                                             this job
                                                                                                                                                    Contact information in
                                                             Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people   8  How fast I can pick up the         case of an emergency
                                                             to manage their own careers. We believe in a    information
                                  ® ®
                   ©2017 Learnovation
                   ©2015 Learnovation , LLC All Rights Reserved., LLC All Rights Reserved.  holistic approach to job readiness - job skills and     A blank check if you are
                        life skills working together to bring out the best in   8  How well I follow directions.  doing direct deposit
                                                                                                                                                    Pen and notebook.
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