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Good Work Habits Getting Along With People Time Management and Work
Communication is how you give and receive information from others. You will There is one thing most jobs have in common…you never
Work habits are the things you do that determine your need to use good communication skills when you talk to your boss, co-workers,
success or failure on the job. Work habits can be as and customers at work. Greet others with respect and make customers feel have enough time to do them! No matter what job you
simple as getting to work on time. Here are some good welcome. Handle their problems so they will remember you were a big part of a have, you have to manage your time to get everything
tips you can follow to help you keep your job and be good experience.
successful: Start by prioritizing your job duties.
Conflict can happen when people work together. There are always people who
Get to work on time – Try to be early whenever possible. Do the most important and time-consuming things
choose to talk about others in negative way. Avoid gossip and do not talk first.
Be in uniform or dressed appropriately– Arrive to work about others. People will see you as someone who sees the BEST in others.
in a clean, neat uniform. If you are not required to wear a Finish with the less important things and the things
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uniform, follow the guidelines from your supervisor. Good Ways to Communicate you can do quickly.
Listen carefully to what others are saying. Exercise
Be clean – Take a shower or bath before you go to work.
Do not use heavy perfumes or colognes. Use deodorant. Ask your boss if you can talk to him/her instead of walking into their office. Use this chart to help you create a schedule for getting to
Take the initiative – The old saying, “If you have time to Plan what you will say before you go to talk. work on time. Once you have figured out how much time it
For Evaluation Only
lean, you have time to clean,” holds true. Do not stand Talk to co-workers in a friendly way. will take you to get to work, subtract it from the time you
around waiting to be told what to do. Ask your supervisor, Invite a co-worker to sit with you on a break or at have to be at work to get your daily start time.
trainer, or co-workers what you can do to help. lunch. Be sure to leave a little extra time in case something
Follow the rules – Every company has rules, regulations, Handling Conflict on the Job unexpected comes up! You can use similar charts to help
you plan your activities at work.
and policies. These should be reviewed with you during Put your emotions to the side before you react to a
your orientation. Be sure to follow all company policies… problem. Activity Estimated
even if you don’t like them. Listen to the other person’s point of view. Take a shower Time (min.)
Find a friend – Talk to your co-workers and trainers. Find Ignore the little things that happen. Brush teeth (other hygiene)
someone you think does a good job and try to behave like Hair/makeup
they do. You can learn things from other good workers. Don’t react to someone who disagrees with you as
Avoid co-workers you feel do not work hard. a personal attack. Iron uniform
Be willing to compromise. Get dressed
Be a problem solver, not a problem maker – Some of Have breakfast (feed kids)
the best workers are the ones who can offer solutions to Know when someone else needs to be involved. Take kids to child care (school)
problems. As you learn your new job, do not be afraid to Drive to work
try and come up with solutions to problems the company Bring a Good Attitude
is having, but always discuss your solutions with your Clock in
supervisor before trying them. Every day when you go to work, remind yourself to do your best job Get to work station
and be willing to learn new things. How you feel and act at work can Total time to get to work
make you a success or a failure. - the time you are scheduled
= the time to start getting ready