Page 23 - WF-Pamphlets-sample
P. 23

Forms and Paper Work                        Taxes                                                  W-4 - Tax Form - Exercise
       The first day of work you will be filling   One form you will fill out the first day is the IRS W-4
       out a lot of paperwork. Read everything     tax form. You will be paying income tax to the federal
       carefully and understand what you are       government on the amount of money you earn each
       signing. You will fill out forms to:        pay period. The W-4 tells the employer how much tax
                                                   to take out of your check. Tax is based on the number
       ƒ make sure you are legally qualified to    of people you can claim as a dependent, and if you
                                                   qualify for additional allowances.
       ƒ get paid properly with direct deposit
                                                   The W-4 form on the right has two parts, the
       ƒ get benefits, if you qualify              worksheet at the top, and the actual form at the
                        ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
       ƒ make sure you understand the job          bottom. Answer the questions on the worksheet

       ƒ agree to company rules.                   to figure out how many deductions you can take
                                                   and complete the form. You can get additional
                                                   instructions if needed by downloading the actual
                                                   form from
       you the first day.   For Evaluation Only
                                                       The fewer deductions you take, the less money you
                                                       get in your paycheck. However, you will owe less
                                                       money (or may get money back) in taxes at the
                                                       end of the year.
       Many companies will send you a packet of
       these forms before you start the job so you
                                                       The more deductions you take, the more money you
                                                       will get in your paycheck. However, you may owe
       can fill them out at home. You may also be
                                                       more in taxes at the end of the year.
       able to download them from the company’s
       website. Bring all completed forms with
                                                   Line H in the worksheet is your total number of
                                                   allowances, and is entered on line 5 in the form.
                                                   Exemptions - If you did not owe taxes last year and
         Attitude Counts!                          you don’t expect to owe taxes this year, you may claim

         Did you know most people who walk         you are exempt, meaning you won’t have any tax
                                                   taken out of your paycheck. You usually do not take
         out or lose their jobs do so in the       an exemption unless you have low levels of income
         first 1-3 days for attitude problems      and have not earned enough money to pay taxes.           Tax Now or Tax Later...

         or a lack of cooperation? . . . Don’t     You can fill out a new W-4 form whenever you want to     If you don’t take enough tax out of each pay period, you will have to pay the
         let it happen to you.                     change your deductions. Just ask your boss or payroll    rest when you file your income taxes in April.
                                                   administrator for a copy.
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