Page 31 - WF-Pamphlets-sample
P. 31

Exercise - Creating a Budget - Use the following sheet to set up a budget.
                  Four Basic Steps To Creating A Successful Budget
                                                                                                                   Budget Item              Budgeted Amount      Amount Spent         Difference

           Step 1.  Add up your income (the money you are going to earn).
                                                                                                          Salary (self/spouse) after tax
           ƒ Money you earn can come from a paycheck, state services, child support,                      Support / assistance
               tax refunds, rebates, or any other money you receive during the month.                     Other
           Step 2. Add up your estimated expenses (the money you are going to spend).                                              INCOME

           ƒ There are two types of expenses to think about: fixed expenses (the same cost each month)    FIXED COSTS (Amount stays the same)
               and variable expenses (the cost changes from month to month).                              Rent or Mortgage

           Step 3. Subtract your expenses from your income.                                               Phone
                        ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
           ƒ For example, if you earn $1,200 per month and you spend $1,000 per month, you will have      TV/Internet
               $200 left over.                                                                            Insurance (home/apartment)
           ƒ If you spend more than you earn, then you are spending more than you can afford. Stop and    Insurance (health)
               see what expenses you can live without. Keep the things you need and get rid of the things  Insurance (car)
               you want.                                                                                  Child Care
                            For Evaluation Only
           Step 4. Track the money you spend and create a plan for spending in the future.                Car Payment

           ƒ Keep track of the money you actually spend during the month.                                 Debt Payment (credit cards, loans, etc.)

           ƒ See how close you were to your budget and make changes for the next month.                   Other         FIXED COSTS - Subtotal

           It takes time to create a budget, but if you do it right, you will begin to understand where you   VARIABLE COSTS (Amount changes)
           are spending your money. You will also learn how to change your habits so you can have more to   Food
           spend on things you want.                                                                      Fuel / Gas

        Exercise: Create Your Budget                                                                      Electric / Heat
        Use the form on the next page to create a budget to track your income and expenses for a month.   Household Supplies
        ƒ In the Budgeted Amount column, list the amount you expect to earn in the income section, and    Clothing
            the amount you expect to spend during the month for each Fixed and Variable Costs.            Public Transportation
                                                                                                          Repairs and Maintenance
        ƒ During the month, keep track of your expenses and receipts on a separate sheet. List
            any unexpected costs as you go through the month in the Amount Spent column.                  Entertainment
        ƒ At the end of the month, total up the amount you actually received and spent for                Other
            each cost during the month. Subtract the Amount Spent from the Budgeted Amount                            VARIABLE COSTS - Subtotal
            and put that in the Difference column. Take a look at where your money went. What
            can you change? What would you change for next month?                                               Income - Expenses= Current Status
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