Page 55 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 55

Elite Investigative Journal
        The Washing Machine - Fighting Money Laundering in the Middle East, pg 55-59
        ©2014-2016  SYT Global, Inc.
            The Washing Machine - Fighting Money Laundering in

                                the Middle East By Hany Abou-El Fotouh

                                                                                            Photo Courtesy of
        The term “money laundering” derives                  * To pay expenses related to their illegal

        from the fact that gangsters in the                  activity.
        1920’s commingled the proceeds                       * To invest their proceeds in the criminal
        of their illegal operations with the                 cycle and boost illegal activity.

        basically untraceable proceeds from                  * Eventually, to enjoy the profits of their
        coin laundries operated by the ring,                 criminal activity.

        thus making the funds appear as if they
        been derived legitimately. Although                  Today, money laundering represents an
        the term may have started in the 20th                estimated 2 percent to 5 percent of the

        century, the practice of disguising                  world’s gross domestic product. Estimates
        unlawful proceeds traces its roots                   of money laundering worldwide range

        back to the dawn of banking itself. For              from $800 billion to $1.6 trillion; 47
        example, when the Roman Catholic                     percent of the launderers use banks to
        Church in medieval times banned                      clean dirty money. While some observers

        lending money at interest, financiers                have challenged the accuracy of these
        developed methods to get around this                 numbers, this problem is one of huge

        restriction.                                         proportions even after several years of
                                                             strong lobbying by the inter-governmental
        Criminal organizations have three                    Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to
        objectives for laundering the proceeds  assure that banks and non-bank financial

        of their illegal activity. These are:

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