Page 57 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 57

The Washing Machine - Fighting Money Laundering in the Middle East
        can negatively impact efforts at other               and anti-terrorist financing efforts, or
        institutions by not demonstrating                    continue doing business in ways that

        a unified front and by making that                   can undermine global AML compliance
        institution more appealing to both                   efforts.

        money launderers and to customers who                One of the biggest problems for AML
        find AML obligations uncomfortable.                  initiatives in the Middle East is cultural

        Financial institutions generally have                customs that accept deference to

        decades of experience implementing                   customers and anonymity. Accounts
        AML programs and ensuring                            lacking full identification details or

        compliance. But many Middle Eastern                  with misleading information are not
        financial institutions are adopting                  unusual in the region. Verification of
        corporate cultures that weaken AML                   customer information is often difficult, if

        “Know your customer” is an element                   apply a risk-based approach to its clientele
        lacking at many Middle Eastern                       base. Bank officials frequently claim that

        financial institutions which follow local            they do not want to offend customers and
        traditions of accommodating customers’               lose business to a less law-abiding com-
        requests. Gathering customer informa-                petitor.

        tion is generally a sensitive issue, as
        customers may view banks’ requests for               One region-specific challenge is that it

        additional information as intrusive or               can be very difficult to perform a check
        offensive. For example, it can be diffi-             against a sanction lists based on a cus-
        cult for a bank to refuse to enter into or           tomer’s name due to the multiple available

        to exit a relationship with a politically            spellings of names used in the region.
        connected person. Doing so could mean

        trouble for the staffer involved.                    Financial institutions often have a formal
                                                             program in place to test the effectiveness
        Lack of adequate information has a                   of their AML systems and controls. How-
        significant impact on other aspects of               ever, the quality of some of this testing can

        AML programs, such as transaction                    be questionable. Internal auditors com-
        monitoring and the bank’s ability to                 monly carry out this independent testing,

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