Page 60 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 60
Elite Investigative Journal
Violence and Violent Crime- The Gender Consideration, pg 60-68
©2014-2016 SYT Global, Inc.
Violence and Violent Crime- The Gender Consideration
by Maria Louisa Williams
Photo Courtesy of
Women and men both commit, and truly existed, necessarily be a perilous
are victims of, crimes but are their one? More importantly, why does the
perspectives, understandings and notion of women becoming violent (or
interpretations of crime (either as becoming more violent) cause such
victim or perpetrator likely to be consternation in society whilst violence
different)? How and why - or even if by, and towards, men is accepted as part of
- is a matter of debate; theorizing on their masculinity?
these matters is difficult depending on
the perspective of the researcher. Women are statistically less likely to
commit crimes, particularly crimes of
Men and women also commit violence violence; however, numbers of women
but their motivations are likely to be being arrested, cautioned and imprisoned
different; men may do so to assert for violent offences are rising. Media
their dominance over a situation, a reports and government statistics
territory, or person; to ensure that their all appear to show that women are
masculinity is not in doubt. Women increasingly involved in crime, particularly
may do so in defense of their children, violent crime. In England and Wales, the
themselves, family, friends and perhaps number of females in custody was 4,445
even their property. However, if women (24 November 2006) with the highest
are becoming as violent as men for the number being attributed to drugs offences
same reasons as men, does this mean whilst violence was second. In Scotland,
we are moving in a direction which is the figure was 326 (24 November 2006),
irreversible? Would such a trend, if it though ambiguous as it does not specify