Page 63 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 63

Violence and Violent Crime- The Gender Consideration
        as her occupation - as well as her                   predominantly male gang). However, a
        gender role - was one of career.                     problem arises which is twofold: firstly

                                                             and perhaps obviously, not all female
        It is difficult of course to do a proper             offenders - violent or otherwise - are in
        comparative analysis without knowing                 gangs. Secondly, there is a danger that the
        the details of the ‘violence against                 study will produce results more likely to

        the person’ offences committed by                    provide an insight into gang culture rather
        both men and women. There are a                      than any comparative study of female and

        number of ‘assaults’ committed by                    male criminality.
        women which may well not have been
        prosecuted had they been committed                   Current statistics show the highest num-

        by men; it is impossible to say without  ber of female offenders committed ‘drugs
        knowing more about both the offence                  offences’ with the second highest for

        and the offender (regardless of gender).  ‘violence against the person’ followed by
        Obtaining goods for sale (to provide                 ‘theft and handling’. For many, women
        money to pay bills/food) or obtaining                who commit violence do so mainly in self-

        goods - such as shoplifting food/                    defense or protection of a child; females
        clothing is more common among                        are not seen as inherently violent. But is

        female offenders than males. Analysis                this perception false?
        of current statistics shows that the
        highest number of female offenders                   One of the possible reasons behind women

        committed ‘drugs offences’ with the                  committing fewer ‘serious’ offences could
        second highest being for ‘violence                   be their role as mother/career. Given that

        against the person’ followed by ‘theft               a large proportion of children are either
        and handling’. For many, women                       brought up by single mothers or by moth-
        who commit violence do so mainly in                  ers due to fathers working longer hours (or

        self-defense or protection of a child;               being the sole breadwinner) women gener-
        females are not seen as inherently                   ally have the main, if not sole, responsibil-

        violent. But is this perception false or             ity for child rearing. Therefore, the ability
        misleading?                                          for women commit crimes - unless they
                                                             left their children elsewhere, or were child-
        Most studies of the culture and                      less - was severely restricted. The risk of

        phenomenon of gangs tend to focus on  being caught and sent to prison - and vio-
        males (though some do mention ‘girl                  lent offences generally attract higher tariffs
        gangs’ or girls in gangs as a peripheral  - meant that any benefit of committing a

        but distinctly intricate part of a                   crime seemed unattractive. Of course, this

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