Page 68 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 68
Violence and Violent Crime- The Gender Consideration
something which is seen on the movie biological factors all have to be considered
screen, it is a reality which will be and taken into account when dealing with
hitting us very soon if indeed it has not any offender, male or female. Many treat
already done so. criminal causation theories as mutually
Indeed, September 2006 saw the exclusive.
Labor Government publish their
plans to improve families’ potential Criminological theory - even when con-
for achievement by the possible local sidering all the elements therein - seeks to
or even governmental intervention find a definitive answer where it is likely
for ‘problem families’. Critics were that none exist. Lack of a definitive an-
reported as fearing that the Government swer, however, does not necessarily mean
was entering the dangerous field of criminology has failed; it needs to evolve
eugenics (so fatally but effectively seen again. Perhaps for criminological theory,
during the Holocaust) or by creating answers to questions are as fluid as the
ASBOs for children who were yet to times in which they are considered. Evolu-
be born on the basis of their parents’ tion of criminology and the theories there-
socioeconomic status. in mean criminologists will have to choose
the most logical and pragmatic elements,
Where does this leave the field of and discard elements which are obviously
criminology? Governments may look flawed (whether in whole or in part). This
to criminologists and other social may be the way forward.
scientists to address the question of Bibliography
crime and criminality and causes "Textbook on Criminology" Fifth Edition. Williams, K: Published
by Oxford University Press: 2004
thereof but they may give limited terms "Race, Gender & Class in Criminology: The Intersections". Edited
of reference for research projects. by Milovanovic D & Schwartz M D Published by Garland Publish-
ing in 1996. Chapter 7: "Sentencing Women to Prison" by Chesney-
Lind, M Concise Oxford English Dictionary: 11th Ed. Revised.
Criminology seeks to provide a Oxford University Press (2006)."'Taking It To Heart': Girls and the
definitive, exact answer to an inexact meanings of violence.' The Meanings of Violence" Burman, M,
Brown, J & Batchelor, S. Published by Routledge in 2003.
and (at times) inexplicable question: England & Wales Official Prison Statistics: HM Prison Service:
October 2006 Official Population Figures Sexual Offences Act
why do people (whether male or 1956; Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994; Sexual Offences
female) commit crime? Perhaps this is Act 2003. Produced by HMSO."Violence Against Women in the
UK" Kelly, L; Humphreys C; Sen, P & Womankind Worldwide.
its failure and why, despite a growth CEDAW Thematic Shadow Report. Published in 2003. BBC News
of writers on the matter, nobody has Website: dated
5th September 2006 BBC News Online Magazine: 'On The Lash' by
arrived at an answer (which I argue is Megan Lane & Tomiko Newson (see link:
hi/magazine/6213686.stm) dated 8th September 2006.
not possible in any event). Sociological,
economical, psychological and