Page 67 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 67

Violence and Violent Crime- The Gender Consideration
        The problem with analyzing the                       have to fight twice as hard (even if the

        comparison between male and female                   fight turns physical).
        offenders is that whilst their motives

        might appear different, this is not                  The criminal justice system now deals
        necessarily the case. Influences such                with far more women offenders than pre-
        as biology, psychology, economic                     vious decades, but this is also likely to

        and education as well as society                     be in part attributable to the medicaliza-
        in general will have an impact on                    tion of female offenders in the past. Now

        each individual’s behavior and their                 that this is no longer the case, women are
        understanding of what is acceptable.                 identified as criminal not [mentally] ill and
        Violence is so often used as a means for             thus greater numbers are being included

        dispute resolution - particularly in the             in criminal offending statistics. Greater
        younger generation - that we may be on               reporting to the police, due to insurance

        an irreversible path.                                requirements among other things, means
                                                             that whereas those offences which may
        As seems common within criminology,  have been overlooked for being petty no
        in order to explain criminality, attempts  longer are treated as inconsequential.

        are made to encompass causation with
        one particular ideal or theory; it is                Whether one looks at the lack of imple-

        due to this attempt to treat theories as             mentation of equality for women, or
        mutually exclusive which results in                  whether men’s masculinity is eroded by
        failure.                                             women’s empowerment, whether abuse
                                                             victims abuse others so they can gain
        Women are different in terms of their                control and power over another, many

        responses to crime and in particular                 individuals commit crimes for reasons
        violence, their use of violence against              understood only by them - and perhaps not

        others and their understanding of                    even then. Theories of crime, causation
        violence and crime in general. Women  and criminality will be at ever increasing
        have been dominated for so long and                  odds as elements of classicism, positivism,

        now they choose to fight back, they are  strain theory or a ‘pick-and-mix’ approach
        regarded as more dangerous. They are                 to all three are rejuvenated depending on

        altering perceptions held over a long                the year or decade.
        period of time; that is not to say women
        will turn into Amazonian women ready                 Advances in sciences (natural and social)

        to dominate the world and make men                   may also play a part in the future of how
        submissive creatures! However, if we -               criminality is considered; genetic or even

        as women - want equality, it seems we                social predisposition for criminality is not

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