Page 26 - Ignite Change: Unleashing thought leadership - A roadmap to thougth leadership
P. 26

To know if you are on the path to building yourself as a true thought leader (and if
               your path to thought leadership will bring you joy and satisfaction), ask yourself these


                                Answer these questions to see where you are on your road to building

                                yourself as a thought leader:
                                1.  Have I developed a transparent “model for change” and a well-

                                    articulated teachable point of view that I can take people through
                                    step-by-step, to their success and benefit?

                                2.  Is this model proven, tested and researched, and do I know beyond

                                    a doubt that it’s useful?
                                3.  Have I done the inner work necessary (self reflection) to understand

                                    my real motives for wanting to be a recognised thought leader?

                                4.  Am I undergoing a process of stretching myself as far as I can every
                                    day, understanding where I’m still afraid and insecure about being

                                    “out there” in the world?
                                5.  Do I care about moving the needle on a topic I’m passionate about,

                                    or am I going just for the supposed money and fame I think I’ll get by
                                    being a recognised figure?

                                6.  As I address my emotional fears and challenges around being seen,

                                    challenged and critiqued (and/or loved and admired) in a big way?
                                7.  Am I willing to be of service 100 different ways for 100 times longer

                                    than expected before I receive an iota of the recognition, I think I

                                8.  Do I regularly ask for feedback, critique, help and constructive
                                    criticism on my work so that I’m continually expanding it in positive


                                9.  Is there evidence that my work and my ideas have a positive, lasting
                                    impact?                                                                   (Caprino 2015)

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